Chapter 22

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I woke up to see Henry still asleep on the ground. I had hoped that it had all been a nightmare but I was wrong. I tried to run to him but got thrown back to the wall by the chains. I forgot they were there. Grandma walked in. Good morning darling, she said smiling at me. I didn't reply. She set a tray of food in front of me. I kicked it with my foot and the food went all over the floor. Fine don't eat not my problem, she snarled and waved her hand and the food was gone. You evil bitch, I snarled. Excuse me, she hissed turning around. I said you evil bitch, I yelled. She waved her hand and Henry's heart appeared. She started to squeeze it. He began gasping in pain. O merlin stop, I screamed. Apologize, she snapped. I am sorry just stop, I begged. She stopped squeezing it and made it go away. Why, I asked through tears. Why what, she asked? Why do all of this, I asked? Because I want you to want me and love me, she said. And you think this will make me love you, I asked motioning to Henry and the chains. No I just need to show you I don't deal with brats, she snapped. Then she walked out. after a day I began to eat. One day I heard the door open and was waiting for grandma to squeeze Henry's heart till I told her I loved her. I do love her but she is so evil, but I still love her. When the doors opened I looked up and saw Emma, Snow, and mom. Mom, I screamed. She saw me and unchained me and Henry. She has his heart, I cried out on the floor. Evie I can't get it back but you can just concentrated on what his heart looks like and it should appear in your hand. I did and I felt his heart. Wake up, I spoke in the heart. When Henry woke up I stuck the heart in his chest. He gasped. Thanks, he said. I nodded. I was bloody because grandma put on the curse to make the chains tighten around my wrist and I hand been bleeding. Emma threw a bean onto the ground. Right before we jumped in grandma appeared and hit me with magic. Then in fell into the portal and the world went black. I had a vision that Emma, Snow, Charming, and Regina all hurt me they said the reason Henry got kidnapped was because I was stupid, then Emma and mom used their magic to hurt me, Snow shot me with her bow, Charming shot me with his gun, and Henry was beating me up. Then Rumple came and saved me. I woke up screaming in the hospital. I saw mom and she ran towards me. Evie, she said scared. Get away don't hurt me, I screamed as mom, Emma, Snow, Charming all ran to me. Rumple appeared. Seems your mother changed her memories, he said looking at me. I ran to him don't let them hurt me please Rumple, I begged hugging him. He made a dream catcher appear in his hand and collected the memories I had seen before I woke up. It showed them hurting me and Rumple saving me. Rumple did something that shocked everyone. He pulled me close to him. I better keep her till we figure out how to get ride of these false memories, he said. No, mom said walking towards me. I screamed and hugged Rumple tighter. Fine, she said giving up. I walked out with Rumple and he kept me close to him the whole way to his shop and I felt safe.

Evie Mills ( Evil Queens/Regina and Daniels child)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ