Chapter 32

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Evie come here now, mom screamed. Snow, Emma, Belle, and Charming were walking down the hall when walked into our conversation. What's wrong, Snow asked? Private conversation go, mom said. Wow is it be a jerk day today mom, I yelled. Evie Mills, mom snapped. Evie what is wrong, Snow asked? Mom blew up at Zelena and said it was all her fault that Robin was dead and Zelena left with baby Robin and all of her stuff and I have no idea where she is, I said my eyes full of tears. I love Zelena very much she is my aunt, she saved mom's life and she is so much fun. Why do you even care, mom asked? Because I love her you may not but I do not all of us are as heartless as you, I snapped. She saved your damn life, I snapped at mom. Evie Cora Mills watch your mouth, mom yelled. It's not my fault she stupid and fell for a dead person trick, mom snapped. She is not stupid you are, I yelled. Then I ran as fast as I could in my heels which was pretty fast. I ran to my room. I HATE YOU, I screamed at the top of my lungs and slammed my door and locked it. I paced back and fourth in my room in anger and then threw my vase at the wall. I grabbed a bottle locator potion out of my potion box. I hear heels approaching my door. I walked to my window and enchanted the tree next to my window. Someone tried to open the door but it was locked. I had the tree lower me to the ground. Evie open the door now, I heard mom say. I started running into the forest and fast as I could. I used a necklace that Zelena had given to me and poured the locator potion on it. It zoomed off and I followed it. It took me to a stream where a little cottage was. Zelena was sitting on a rock crying looking into the water. I could see baby Robin was asleep inside. I ran to Zelena. Evie what are you doing, Zelena asked hugging me back? I had to make sure you were ok, I said. O Evie I love you, she said. I love you too, I said. And I want you to come back home with me please I don't care what mom says, I said. She agreed and we were in her room baby Robin was still asleep and all her stuff was back. We walked out of Zelena's room and saw mom and everyone in my room. Mom saw me and rushed to me. Then she saw Zelena. What are you doing back, mom said. I brought her back and the only way I am staying here is if she stays, I said. No, mom said. Listen to yourself mom Zelena killed Hades for us, she saved your life, she never had love in her life so how was she suppose to know that Hades was tricking her and that it was real love and on top of that she is your sister mom, I said. Mom look guilty and Zelena was in tears. Your right Evie I am sorry Zelena it isn't your fault, mom said. They hugged. I walked to my room and fixed my vase with magic. Snow came in. Evie that was brave what you did back there for your aunt, she said. Thanks, I said. Snow hugged me. I love you, she said. I think this is the first time she has ever told me this. I love you too, I said hugging her back. No matter what bumps we have I love this family.

Thanks for reading my book guys and a special shoutout to Cosmic_Hallow she is a great reader and she leaves supportive comments which is always nice when you write a story so thank you.

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