Author's Note

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THIS BOOK HAS COME TO AN END! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR YOUR SUPPORT AND LOVE OF THIS BOOK!❤❤❤❤ Your support meant a lot to me! It wouldn't have ended without you guys!

This story reached 1.74K reads with 182votes and 117 comments! You guys made this story enjoyable for me to write till the end! So thank you for that as well! ❤❤❤❤❤

Now the time to have dedications carried out for those people who stuck by me and this story right from the start till the very end! The dedication goes to:







(i hope i got your usernames right. I couldn't go past my notifications of 8feb 20l7 so i could tag you guys. )

and all of you readers who are going to be reading this story. If i forgot to mention your names in the above list sorry in advance.

Please give me your feedback of the story so imay improve for future stories. Even negative comments although it might hurt to read them but i wouldn't mind if they would allow me to improve.

Thank you once again for reading this story and making it to the finish. Thank you for your support!❤❤❤❤❤


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