How to deal with a drunk feminist

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Okay so this one is taken from the first book. But i have given it a slight twist of mine.  Hope you like it. I know I have been horrible not updating for quite a long time. So here you go. Hope you like it. Looking forward to your comments. Love them!

This was unusual.

Never in my life did I ever have to go through such an experience.

Holding her I mean it in my arms , I thought of the madness that possessed me just a moment ago.

Lips clashing, faint whispers.

I surely lost my sanity. Damn it.

You have even started cursing like her. Sure has an influence on you!

No no! Impossible. Rikkard Ambrose never gets affected by anyone.

Except for the little wench you just kissed who is now sleeping in your arms.

I looked at my secretary who had suddenly fainted on me in the midst of our osculating.

Intense passionate kissing. Or smooching.

Shaking my head,  I picked her up and took her to my room and placed her on my bed. Turning on her back she began snoring softly. Looking disturbingly feminine in those trousers. When had I ever let a girl sleep in my bed? Never.

Yet seeing her soft brown hair spread across the white pillow made me feel somewhat...


I had to put an end to my thoughts. I wasn't drunk yet why was I behaving unreasonably? I never indulged in such time wasting activities.

Going back to my desk I began working. I never needed a break from work. The thrill of amassing wealth was probably the sole thing in my life.
Despite everything that happened with my family, I refused to wallow in despair. Determination to be successful had consumed me completely and I never had to look back. I was where I wanted to be.

But today surprisingly I wasn't in my usual mood. My mind was somewhere else. Busy thinking about..

The brown eyed foul mouthed temptress sleeping in your bed.

Get a hold of your thoughts Ambrose! This hardly classifies as rational behavior. Deciding to do some serious work,I sent a message to Pearson to get files when suddenly something caught my eye. A bunch of paper rolls. Picking up one I read it. Scrawled in messy feminine writing it read

Dear Mr Ambrose

I will go looking for the safe directly. Do not fear - even my limited mental capacity should be sufficient to find a big metal box

Yours always( which means you are not getting rid of me!)

Miss Lilly Linton

The message almost brought a smile to my face. When had I ever wasted time in useless conversations? But for some reason I continued to reply to her interesting messages despite knowing it was a waste of time and resources.

That's because it's her. The little ifrit.

This was foolishness. I should throw these messages and not waste time or space on them. Yet I couldn't bring myself to throw them away.


I didn't have a clue.

Realising there was no way I could work in this frame of mind, i decided to sleep. I walked back to my room. It was then I realized that she I mean he was sleeping there. Where would I sleep?

It's not a small bed. You could sleep beside her, cuddling.

No. Cuddling is not meant for English gentlemen.

But I couldn't sleep anywhere else. Having no other option I shifted my very feminine secretary to the side. She sure was heavy. If she was awake I would have gotten a mouthful of curses from her. Settling down I turned to my side and surprisingly the bed felt comfortable and warm. The last thought before I fell asleep was that of kissing a female in trousers named Mr Linton.

In middle of the night I woke up. Checking my watch I realized that I had slept for six hours and forty minutes. Another strange thing. I never sleep for so long. What caused me to sleep so much. I surprisingly felt relaxed and didn't feel like getting up. It was then I noticed another thing. Something heavy was on my legs.

Legs. Very feminine legs.

It was then I registered the being sleeping next to me. A woman.

In trousers.

Mr Linton!

It was then yesterday's​ events​ came to my mind. Searching for the file, drinking beer, Mr Linton getting drunk, the fights, Napoleon, shower, the kiss.

What on Earth happened to me? Why did I kiss her? Throughout my life I made it a point to avoid the fair sex. They were simply too complicated.

Yet here I was sleeping beside her. I knew I had to get up. But strangely I didn't want to.
I looked out of the window. The sun had not risen yet. I could sleep for a little while.

I knew that in a few hours she would wake up and yell at me. I would pretend as if I accidentally fell asleep beside her and ignore yesterday's events. Despite all this I pulled her close to me and did not move her legs away. I let her snuggle close to me.  Why? I had no clue.

But for now, I will do what I want to do.

'Cuddling' with Mr Linton felt somewhat adequate.

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