1.Waste Disposal Part-1

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As the sun set, my office was plunged into darkness. It was calm and quiet. However my peaceful surroundings barely reflected the inner turmoil in my mind. Usually my mind would be occupied with thoughts of  new investments, my wealth, expanding my empire. But today it was quite busy thinking about one particular issue. Or rather one person.

A devilish woman dressed in trousers.

I couldn't stop thinking of the conversation with Mr Linton. I couldn't believe that my feminist, bold supposedly male secretary had a suitor. Having been used to her anti men tirade, it somehow seemed impossible to think that Lilian despite her eccentricities was after all a girl who in due course had to be married off to some man. I realised that soon society would generally expect her to get married. So I shouldn't be aggravated.

Yet the thought of Lilian Linton walking down the aisle looking beautiful in a white gown bestowing her naughty grin on a strange man had me clenching my fists.

You wouldn't mind if you were in place of that man would you?

No, I wasn't thinking about that. Why would I? After all she's only my secretary.

Then why does the idea of her marrying someone else pain you?

No! It doesn't pain me at all. I don't have the time to think of all this nuisance

Really then what are you doing thinking of how she would look in a white gown?

Before I could ponder that, a voice interrupted my train of thoughts.


I looked at Karim.

'Karim! I have a job for you'

'Yes sahib?'

'Find out about Mr Linton's suitor and get me the details.'

'The ifrit? But why sahib would you waste time on her?'


'Yes sahib?'

'Have I ever asked you to do things without any reason?'

'No sahib , you never have.'

'Then don't question my actions. I need the information quick.'

'Sorry sahib. I shall get it as soon as possible. '

Karim soon hurried out. He has been with me for a long time . Back in the colonies while I was busy amassing wealth, Karim was my aide. Loyal and trustworthy.

Like someone else don't you think?

An image of a loud mouthed, disobedient brunette came to my mind.

And I was back to thoughts of Lilly.

Being a young wealthy and powerful man had always exposed me to young women who desired my attention. Yet I was a man who had disregarded my noble title and worked hard for my livelihood. And I knew how shallow these women were. They only desired my money. What they didn't realise was that I wasn't a man who would waste money on such people. Knowledge is power is time is money!Shallow petty fools. Yet Lillian was a breath of fresh air. Smart, brave and loyal. I thought of the hurt expression on her face when I accused her of stealing the file. She believed in her dreams and would die rather than get married to a man. Always disobeying my orders, she had to be one of the most difficult people I have ever met.

Yet she was the only one who could almost bring a smile to my face.

Karim had the right name for her.


My little Ifrit.

So this is part 1 of the one shot. Let me know your opinions. Please excuse any errors. Your suggestions are welcome!

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