Surely not Ambrose(part 3)

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So those who have read the previous part might be anxious for Ambrose's reaction. Read further to find out. Hope you like it!

As I ascended the stairs, all that was running through my mind was

Oh my goodness he saw everything! What will he say? Will I lose my job?

He appeared to be angry. Maybe the fact that his secretary was wasting time with a man instead of working might have irritated him a bit.

A lot!

I spotted Mr Stone working diligently. When he saw me, he smiled at me.

What a pleasant man. Unlike his employer.

I tip toed past the big oak door trying to not make a sound when suddenly a cold voice rang out.

'Mr Linton! I know you are there. My office. Now!

Well I tried.

Stepping into his office, I calmly walked up to the desk. Like a convict sentenced to execution I waited. Mr Ambrose only stared at me.

Silence. For quite a long time.

Why don't you say something?

Realizing he wasn't planning on breaking the silence soon, I cleared my throat.

'Mr Ambrose sir? You wanted to see me'

'Yes Mr Linton'

I waited. When I understood that he wouldn't ask the question unless I pester him I asked again:

'Well sir?'

'Well what Mr Linton?'

Okay calm down. You cannot hit your employer. He has always been like this. Remember?

Taking a deep breath I continued

'What did you want to talk about?'

Placing the file down, he studied his hands as if they were the most interesting things in the world.

Blast you. Stop staring at your hands even if they are really handsome,long and muscular hands.

Wait did I just describe Mr Ambrose's hands?

Ignore it. Focus on the topic.

I was about to say something when he suddenly spoke.

'You are late Mr Linton.'

I gulped.

'Yes sir I know that. I am sorry.'

'Sorry won't get the work supposed to be done within the 30 minutes and 12 seconds that you wasted, finished Mr Linton.'

' I know sir but it's not like people are selling time in shops so that I can go and purchase the lost time, can I now?'

'Mr Linton?'

'Yes sir?'

'I do not pay you for your sarcasm Mr Linton.'

'It's a shame sir.'

'Mr Linton!'

'Yes sir?'

'Shut up and get me file QW17834

'Right away sir!'

I was stunned. Blimey had Ambrose gone soft now? I had expected a storm yet all he did was scold the usual. What on earth happened to him? What consumed his thoughts?

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