From one miser to another

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Okay so I felt really guilty after last chapter. Shouldn't have left at a tragic note. So here's another one. Hope you like it.
This is a happy one I swear ;)

Blast where was he?

I kept pacing in my room, waiting for him. The clock was stuck at 5 minutes to three. He should be here any minute now.

Ella looked at me worriedly.



'Please relax. He will come'

'He better come. Or tomorrow there will be war at the office!'


Realizing that Ella didn't know about my alternate personality Victor Linton, I hurriedly corrected myself.

'Nothing you need to worry about'

I went down to the living room. Aunt was waiting anxiously. When she spotted me she narrowed her eyes at me. Placing her hands on her hips she spoke

'You sure your guest will come?'

I nodded.

He better come.

Anne and Maria kept exchanging triumphant looks. Being exquisite beauties, they couldn't simply fathom how a plain ill-tempered female like me could have someone interested in her.

Well they could shove their questions up their -

The door bell rang, bringing me out of my thoughts.

He's here.

I rushed to the door before anyone else could.

When I opened, I saw him standing there proudly as if he had just finished conquering the world. I breathed a sigh of relief.

'You came'

He nodded.

'I was told to come, wasn't I ?'

'I know. But knowing how you detest obeying people I just thought...'

It was very rarely that I got to see him smile. The corner of his mouth twitched.

My goodness!

He spoke

'It seems you know me well Miss Linton'

It felt wierd hearing him call me Miss. I wasn't used to it.

But obviously he can't go around calling his fianc- the girl who's wearing his ring Mr Linton can he now?

I took his hand and brought him inside telling him to wait for a second. Quite surprisingly he agreed.

Walking into the room I could see my aunt and my sisters waiting. And the most surprising part? My uncle who never stepped out of his room was sitting on one of the armchair, grumbling about how his peace was always disturbed by women of the house. I was again in awe of my aunt's abilities. Not many could coax out my uncle out of the room.

Clearing my throat, I gained their attention.

Aunt looked at me eagerly, warmth radiating out of her bulky figure. It was a rare sight for seldom was her warmth bestowed upon me.

'Well is it him?'

I nodded and replied.

'Aunt and uncle may I present to you my fiance Mr Rikkard Ambrose'

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