Bloody miracles!

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A normal day.

If you were a woman of  today's time you wouldn't consider spending time with a cold,chauvinistic and powerful man,dressed up in baggy trousers as a man and running around fetching files and documents for the aforementioned tyrant normal would you?


Well I Lillian Linton, proud feminist and secretary to Mr Rikkard Ambrose certainly found this type of work as perfectly normal.

The day began just like any other. Stone Face- I mean Mr Ambrose kept me working till quite late. When I asked him for a break do you know what the son of a bachelor said?

'Mr Linton pray tell me how does giving you a break benefit me? On the contrary you would end up wasting precious time. Which could be spent on making profit.'

I thought of telling him to stick his profit where the sun doesn't shine. But I think it was mentioned somewhere that the employer could for you for abusing him. Darn the rules! Couldn't they give a little leeway to poor innocent employees like me?

Then I could tell him what I thought of his profit. Another thing to change.

But I realized that Mr Ambrose didn't seem to be quite himself. Whenever I brought his letters and files , he would stare at me and not say anything. There was an intense look in his sea coloured eyes. What on earth was he thinking about?

Hopefully not about firing you.

Goodness he wouldn't do that would he?

The blasted son of a bachelor. I was doing my work properly. I even lessened my insults. I only called him a son of donkey the last time we fought. That wasn't so bad.


Finally when the clock struck seven I realized there was only an hour to go. It had been a while since he ordered me to do something.

Blimey had he finally decided to get rid of me? Panic arose in me. I didn't know what I would do if I lost this job. I had somehow thwarted my dear aunt's plan of getting me hitched to a stupid baron. All it took was a parasol and few well delivered kicks to the leg. Works wonders!

But I couldn't keep evading a stubborn woman like my aunt. I would have to run away from home.

Without any money? Any job?

I was in a fix. I couldn't leave this office now. This office , Mr Ambr-

So you realize you want to be with him.

Of course not. I was only worried about my job.

So the thought of leaving him doesn't hurt does it?

No. I wasn't disappointed at all. I definitely didn't feel a painful tug at my heart when I thought of saying goodbye to him. In fact I would not have to think about Mr Granite and his stone face. And his cold voice. And his freezing stare. And his warm arms. And his soft kiss-

No no no. That wasn't why I was worried. No it was because I was worried of losing my job. Nothing else.

If you say so.

I know so. Realizing that I would have to talk to him and find out, I rushed to his office and flung the door open.

He didn't look up. Perhaps he had gotten used to my style of opening doors. Continuing to go through a file, he spoke when I didn't say anything

'Well Mr Linton, it may have escaped your attention but let me make it clear to you. If you destroy the door I shall merely deduct the expense of its repair from your wages.'

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