The Unsigned Agreement

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"Last night you were awesome ! " she found a note beside her with a winking smiley on it. She remembered the last night it was the best night ever. Siya never thought that she would lose her virginity to her best friend. They were so passionate that neither she remembered it nor did Tanish realize it.

She took a shower and after that, she tried calling him, but he was unreachable. A while later she heard the sound of the car stopping by. She immediately walked downstairs. Her family was back after a long trip.

"Hey! Mom, Dad, Kunal I missed you people" she hugged her mother.

"You could have come with us sweetie " her mother squeezed her cheeks.

" No Mom! You know I never enjoy those boring weddings, anyways I am so happy to see you, again"

"Aadarsh, now I am a little worried for our little dumpling"

Siya walked to the kitchen, she took out a bottle of water from the refrigerator.

"I know that Sarika, but what else could we do, we are trying our best" he sat down on the couch.

"What are you talking about" Siya took a few gulps of water.

"About your marriage Siya di" she spilled it out when she heard it from Kunal, she was choked for a second.

"Come again?" she asked in disbelief.

"They are discussing getting you married di" he repeated.

"My marriage? are you guys alright? What's wrong with you people? How can you think of me getting married?" she asked, her tone annoyed.

"What's wrong with you beta? Every girl has to get married" Sarika smiled.

"What do you mean every girl has to get married? No, I am not gonna get married, are you people clear with this?" she walked away.

She walked out of her house walking to the next door and continuously belled the door until someone opened it.

"Siya" the lady at the door smiled but she walked inside without greeting her, she stopped at the stairs.

"I am sorry Anjali auntie, but I'm in a trouble and he is not picking up where the hell is Tanish?"

"In his room sweetie, I know you must have not had your breakfast, I'll send something for both of you," she said smiling at her

"That's so sweet of you auntie, I'll definitely have my breakfast, but with my favorites" she winked at her and got up to his room.

As soon as she saw him she hugged him immediately. Tanish caressed her hair, she appeared to be irritated.

"Hey! What happened?... Aah! I told you, I warned you Siya but you didn't listen to me, I told you that you would regret" he said without even knowing the reason for her irritation.

"What nonsense are you talking about?" she got a bit away and asked peering at him.

"Last night!" he said shrugging his shoulders.

"Oh Come on Tanish! Why on earth would I regret that? And why did you walk away with that stupid note on my bed?"

"I didn't want you to be awkward and that's why I came without speaking up to you"

"Urgh!! You are impossible Tanish, I have something more important to discuss" she said sitting on the bed irked.

"Okay! What it is?" he smiled and sat next to her.

"My family is thinking of getting me married"

"Awesome! So when have you decided to get married? and who is that lucky guy?" he asked her teasingly. He tried to avoid his laughter, but when he saw her irritated face, he couldn't control and laughed out loud.

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