Mini crow

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The crew were at it again, only now they were checking out a Shu Han lab with fresh equipment, Kaz was hacking into the computer, Jesper and Matthias trying to get him to hurry up and clinging onto his seat.

Nina and Inej were exploring the place, they had to open this one door, but when they did, it slammed into a glass box and hitting a orange button. The two girls whirled, hearing a humming sound from the computer.

"What the hell..." was spoken in a irritated rasp before an explosion between the crows happened. When the dust settled Inej called to them, "you guys alright?" There was a long pause, it stretched out making Inej get more and more nervous. "Inej.... something definitely isn't right." As Inej and Nina crossed over toward the computer they saw three tiny figures, all looking various ranges of pissed.

"Omg you guys are so adorable!" Nina squealed, scooping up her boyfriend and cuddling the very red Fjerdan. This made Jesper laugh till the two inch figure was holding his little stomach like the Pillsbury-dough boy. "Kaz?" Inej turned to the most angry looking tiny crow, who was pacing small strides, still limping.

"Our voices haven't changed octaves despite the size change... how the hell did this happen any way." Kaz snarled out, then pointed a surprisingly frightening glare at Nina and Inej who were now wondering if that button may have done something. Inej and Nina left the boys on one of the metal lab tables to gather books, they took the work about the button and took the small crows back home. Kaz fought Inej the entire way becuz he did not, did not like being held by the scruff of his jacket.

When they got back to their apartment they placed the three tiny figures on the kitchen table and grabbed a few snacks laying them out. While Jesper had fun crawling through and eating tunnels in food, the girls tried to explain to a very wide eyed Wylan why they were so small.

In the long run it turns out it would just take a couple weeks to be back to normal size, in the meantime however, the little crows would just have to suffer.

Hope you all enjoyed and if you would like to continue the adventures of little crows, plz tell me and I will continue writing it. Thank you and goodnight!

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