Remarkable Journal

148 14 2

February 13

The phone continued to ring late into the night.

By the third time that it rang, Kevin slammed open my door.

"Who the hell keeps calling?" He screamed.

"Just a salesman." I answered.

"God damn." I could hear him stomp back down the stairs and answer the phone. I lifted it up and listened in.

"Stop calling this number." Kevin yelled.

"Get out of that house. She knows what you did. I told her." The voice sounded more confident now.

"Who is this? What did you tell her?"

"Come on, Dad. You can't hide a secret like that forever. You're a dangerous man." I gasped and threw the phone onto my bed.

Hearing me, Kevin ran up to my bedroom once again.

"Megan, were you listening? I don't know who that was. Just a prank caller." Obviously, it wasn't a prank caller. Prank callers don't know you have a daughter. They don't call you Dad. They don't know secrets about you.

I was scared. The caller never told me what Kevin did exactly. But I could tell it wasn't good. People don't call you dangerous for no reason.

"What did he tell you?" Kevin's voice became demanding. It had a low tone, that made my heart skip a beat.

"N-nothing. He didn't say anything. I mean. He just keeps calling." I wanted Mom. Overly controlling, protective Mom. Why would she leave me with some lunatic?

Kevin tried to place his hand on my shoulder, but I drew away. He always had an air of eerie-ness about him. I was uncomfortable around him.

"Sweetie-I..." His voice drifted off as a car drove into our driveway.

Without another word, he jumped up and left.

I reached for the phone and dialed Mom's cell phone.

"Hello?" She answered, music playing in the background.

"Mom, come home now. This Kevin guy, he's crazy. There's a weird guy that keeps calling, telling me things about him. I'm scared." I babbled out, fighting back tears. My mind felt cluttered.

"Your father's changed. They fixed him. Don't be afraid now. That caller, don't listen." Mom sounded calm.

"What do you mean? What happened?" Just as I asked, I heard a commotion outside. When I looked out the window, I could see Kevin. And a guy, too far away to see clearly. Talking at first, before things got violent.

"Mom I have to go."

I hung up, and dialed.

"911, what's your emergency?"

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