Beautiful Journal

313 21 4

February 9

Don was at my house. Repeat, Don was at my house! Standing outside my room. Just staring. I could hear something hitting my window (probably pebbles like in those romantic movies. Only this wasn't romantic.) So I peeped outside and there he was.

In. My. Bushes. 

"Megan, I'm off to get groceries." My mom was going to leave me alone. With him!

So I told her there was a stalker outside. And she called the cops.

Within five minutes, three cop cars were there flashing red and blue lights.

They threatened Don and he left. Then they read off the instructions on what to do in case someone (Don) tries to break in the house and kill me. I nodded my head at them. I don't think Don would kill me. He'd probably just break in, cut off a piece of my hair, steal a used towel and be on his way.

Hopefully we're not dealing with a murderer here.

Anyway, that was my Sunday night.

Now I just have to finish writing my self analysis for Lit. and Comp.

What are your hobbies? Eating. And sleeping. Sometimes, when I'm feeling really outgoing I also like to get on the internet and look at cat videos.

Do you feel pressured by your peers? Only on Tuesdays. Just kidding. I'm a social freak with no friends to peer pressure me.

What personality traits do you have? Can laziness count?

What famous celebrity would you compare yourself to? Kristen Wiig. Average on the outside, awkward on the inside.

If you found twenty dollars on the street what would you do? Do you want the right answer or the real one?

What career do you want to have? My dream career would be to nurse sick chipmunks back to health.

How would you describe your perfect significant other? Loyal, hungry, with a slobbery tongue and lots of fur.

Somehow, I didn't think I'd be getting an A on this paper.

Dear JournalOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz