Phillip Hamilton x Reader (TRP Part Two)

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Sequel to the first part 👍🏻

You spent almost all of the summer locked in your room, only leaving to go to the bathroom and get food. Sure, your mom tried to talk to you, but you weren't in the mood to talk.

School rolled around, and you'd always take the long way to avoid walking past his house. Everyone had heard about your break up, and of course about the Reynold's Pamphlet.

"How are his parents?" You'd hear in the hallway.

"Why did they break up?"

"My mom knows Maria Reynolds. She hasn't spoken to her since the summer."

You wondered the first question a lot; how are his parents? It's not like you could ask him-you don't even know where to find him.

Until today, that is.

You were at your locker. This was unusual, seeing as you carry everything around with you. P.E. had started for the semester, and you'd out your clothes in there.

Phillip had the locker beside you.

As you put the combination in, you tried not to notice the whispers and stares.

You gulped as he turned toward you.

"(Y/n)," he began. There were some gasps.

"P-Phil-" you were cut off by his lips smashing onto yours.

As you pulled apart, you smiled.

"I-I'm so sorry, (y/n). I was being so stupid, I wasn't think-"

"Just kiss me again." You said.

The two of you walked to his house, hand in hand.

Phillip held the door open for you.

"Why thank you, kind sir!" You said in a British accent.

"Oui, mon amour!" He said in French.

You two laughed as you walked in.

Eliza gasped when she saw you.

"Oh my goodness, (y/n)!" She said, hugging you. "Phillip has not been the same without you!"

You looked over at Phillip and he blushed. Eliza continued to ramble.

"I can't believe you two are in your senior year already."

"Yeah, ok mom." Phillip said as you two walked upstairs.

The two of you sat in his room like nothing had ever happened.

Except, something did happen.

"Hey, (y/n)?" Phillip said,

"Yes?" You replied, playing with your (h/c) hair.

"My dad left."

You gulped.

"P-Phillip...I'm so sorry." You said, walking over to where he was sitting.

Somehow, you two ended up on the floor.

"It's ok. I'm ok. I think." He laid his head on your shoulder.

"You should have told me."

He shrugged. "I didn't think you'd care."

"Of course I'd care." You said, holding his hand. "I've been worried sick about you. We all have."

Now, you guys doesn't know this at the time, but a heartbroken Eliza was listening to your conversation.

"He turns eighteen next month! I need to throw him a surprise party." You said to your friend (f/n).

"Ok! Let's do this!" Said (f/n).

You guys planned the party, making sure every detail was perfect.

Now, you just needed to wait a month.

And that was the hard part. Phillip would always try to pry things out of you. It was almost impossible to keep any secret from him.

Ok bye luv u guys

Helpless| Hamilton Character x Reader|Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon