"You know, it's okay to cry.", he told me.

"I'm fine. I can-- eep!" He moved the ice over the bruised part. This time, I had to cry. "Why did you do that?! Hnnnng.", I sobbed out. He chuckled then proceeded to wrap my foot with the elastic bandage. He placed my foot on the table after he was done. 

"How come you know how to treat sprains?", I asked him.

"Pfft, this is basic. Everybody should know how.", he said. My face flushed because I don't know. "Besides, I usually have sprains from dancing too much."

I was sniffling, thanks to crying a while ago. "Aww~ Does it hurt that much?", he mocked me. 

I glared at him. "You're lucky it's sprained or I would've kicked you now because it's my good foot."

He snickered. "Here.", he lent me his handkerchief. I took it and blew my nose. "Ewww. Gross Miyoung."

"You wanna see my snot? Here ya go." I threw it at him. 

"Ew! Ew! Ew! Yah, you're really gross!" He wiped it off him and squinted until his eyes were missing at me. I just laughed at him.

My class told me it was okay that I didn't finish the race and that I shouldn't move too much. Everybody thinks I sprained from the race when it's really because I fell from the stairs.

 We stayed at the hangout place after that so that I could rest my foot. Soonyoung and I were accompanied by Wonwoo just because he said he wanted to read books somewhere quiet. I rested my foot at the end of the couch while my head was using Soonyoung as a human pillow this time. Nurse Soonyoung is back after a long while.

"Miyoung-ah!" Seung-ah barged into the room, all worried about me. "Phew. Thank god, you look okay."

"I'm always looking fine.", I said, a bit smug. 

Soonyoung scoffed. "Nah, a while ago, she looked like a zombie from crying so much.", he said.

"Yah, you're so mean.", I told him.

"Who said they would've kicked me if only they weren't injured? Good thing, you are."

I tried to punch his face but he dodged. "Tch. I can't kick, but I can punch."

"Try that again, or else."

"Or else what?" I stuck my tongue out at him. 

"This." He flicked my forehead.

"Ack! Why do you always do that?" I reached upwards to flick his but I struggle since he moves so much.

"Just try me!" "Kwon Soonyoung, you idiot." "You can't do it." "Yah!"

"AISH! You lovebirds, shut up. I'm trying to read quietly here.", an irritated Wonwoo said.

"Yah!", Soonyoung shouted at him. Wonwoo widened his eyes realizing what he just said.

"Ah, shit.", he muttered. "Soonyoung-ah, mian. I blurted it out so casually."

"He knows?", I sat up and asked Soonyoung. Sweat was trickling down his forehead while he's looking at Seung-ah, but he nodded. 

I looked at Seung-ah. She's shocked, too. "I-I know, too.", she stuttered to admit.

"What? What happened to not telling anyone?", Sonyoung asked me. 

"I-I... You didn't keep your word, too!", I argued.

"... Right..." He sighed. "Okay, who else knows?"

"Um, ... Vernon.", I answered quietly. 

"Ahh, damn. It's so hot!" Speak of the devil. A sweating Vernon and Seungkwan came in the room. The two both had ice cream in their hands. "Oh. Annyeong, everyone!", he greeted us. But it's so awkward. 

Soonyoung stood up. "You know?", he asked Vernon.

"Know what?" He was confused but then he realized the grim looks everyone had. "Oh... yes."

"Know what? Am I missing something?", Seungkwan asked. Everyone looked like they're panicking. We all know Seungkwan must not know about it. He's too much of a chatterbox.

"Ah! Seung-ah and Wonwoo-oppa are dating!", I said. Everyone looked at me like I'm crazy. I feel Wonwoo's eyes piercing holes at me. 

"MWO? JJINJA???", Seungkwan exclaimed. 

"Yup! They just started.", Soonyoung supported the lie. "So, it's still a bit awkward."

Seung-ah went up to Wonwoo, who faked a smile. "Ahaha, yeah. W-we're dating.", Seung-ah awkwardly said. 

"Yah, jagiya. Why are you so stiff?", Wonwoo said. I cringed the moment he said jagiya. He put an arm over her shoulders. "You weren't like this last night."

What the actual fu--- Things took a turn in five seconds. Seung-ah was tomato red. "O-oppa,  they don't have to know about that.", she said. 

Wonwoo smirked. His hand went down to her waist and pulled her closer. "Just wait a bit more for later." His tone was full of seduction. It gave me goosebumps. "I'll see you tonight, then." Then, he spanked Seung-ah's behind and left with his book. HE LEGIT SPANKED HER BUTT.

I think everyone else's face was red. Somehow, their fake relationship became a kinky one. I feel sorry for Seung-ah. It's all my fault.

"Woo!~", Seungkwan was fanning his face. "That was... too much for me to handle."  

"I'll be going now, too." Seung-ah rushed out of the room. Mental note to myself, I'll beg for her forgiveness and receive my punishment.

"We'll go now, too.", Vernon said. "Yah." He linked his arm with Seungkwan and dragged him out, leaving the two of us alone. I looked at Soonyoung, but he only shook his head and sighed.

Not only is it hard for Soonyoung and I to keep our relationship a secret. Now, more people are involved, and they have to struggle with their owwn lives, too. I'm sorry, everyone.

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