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Prayers are a way to call the gods or to thank them. There are thousands, you can still, however, write your owns.

Chant of blessing of the deities
"By the powers of the one, all-powerful, omnipresent, eternal, source of all creations, through the goddess, the lady of the moon and the God, Of the earth here below. Blessed be this place, this time, as well as I present by your side.

O marvelous Lady of the moon! How radiant is your face that illuminates me with its silvery lines, which prodigies my silky kisses to my skin. How wonderful you are, great Mother Goddess, who gave beauty to the earth, who covered her with love and gave your priestesses the power to follow your footsteps. O radiant mother! Like the moon that impregnates me with its magic light, then I sing for you! Your love has given me light and your strength has given me the magye. It is in the light of the eternal moon that I sing your praises. Blessed be the moon, mother of life, donor of magyas. Blessed be she, my protector, who watches over me. Blessed be she!

O dear God of the earth! Like the setting sun illuminating my face then I sing for you, O grandfather. Your strength gave me power, your love gave me strength. It is in the clear light of the sun that I sing your praises. You, O great commander of the Earth who made fierce creatures and who made me the priestess / the wise and powerful / powerful priest to the tears of nature. Blessed is the God of creation, father of the creature. Blessed be he, my protector who is watching me. Blessed be it! "

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