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Divination is a way to learn something or to read in the future. There are several ways to use it.

With fire
Divination with fire is extremely difficult. This is done with a flame, generally a candle. Draw a circle and install yourself in the center. Meditate and then light the candle.
-If the candle makes black smoke, this is a negative situation.
-If the candle makes white smoke, the situation is positive.
-If the flame is weak, it makes you know that there is no certainty.
-If the smoke is directed towards you, it is a certainty.
-If the smoke moves away from you, it means you will have to find out what you are looking for yourself.
-If the smoke goes to the right, it's because you're right.
-If the smoke moves to the left, it warns you of a danger.
-If the flame cracks, it makes you know that manipulation is involved in the case.

With water
I have to tell you, water is a little rascal. It will only show you a possible futur, so nothing is 100% sure...
Fill a bowl of water and set yourself outside. The sky must be cloudless. You can use a heliotrope, a hematite or a crystal or simply the three stones.
Look at the bowl of water and ask your questions.

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