Love spells

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Attention! Some sort of love spell can be considered black magyck (what of course I do not recommend you any way). Why? Since you control the destiny of person who you are not asking for it, it's acting against the will of a person. Don't worry. I will publish only clean and safe spells, but especially practices!

Contraception spell
Love in Wicca is celebrated. Yes, unlike many religions, Wicca considers sex as a form of love. The physical love. However, we know all, we, women, that the idea of falling pregnant when not necessarily expected can be heavy, very heavy. This is a text to recite after and before the act (but, I recommend you still strongly protections traditional additional).
"A night of passion in a moment of heart. I am not ready to be mother, realize my wish. please do I do point think. take this child possible for this please."

To get an unwanted lover away
If a person is perhaps too attached to you and you do feel not the same thing for him or her, you can make it out. This can be useful especially if the same person becomes harassing and oppressive. This spell must be made three nights on. Launch in a fire leaves  of verbena and say: "I didn't need to you, I do you want it. leaves and leaves my life now and does return ever. Don't do  nothing wrong about it in any as well."

Spell to bond yourself to someone
This incantation will allow you and your close to be link as long as you want. However, I have to warn you, trying to break this link will be painful and very hard. You will feel a huge feeling of emptiness in the stomach ... throughout the duration of your meditation think about the  target.
"Love of my life is close to me, I have a need to know the véritée. that the love of my life shows me that the true love m'appelle. our love is strong and powerful, it is stronger than three. just me, come to me, come to me."

How to forget an old lover
If you want to forget your old love, repair your heart, I would highly recommend this out. Expect you to feel empty during some time. Do not remove the image of the person you want your head to forget of all the meditation. Hold  a ginger root in your hand and think about this person. Let go all your feelings to this root. When all your feelings there will be absorbed, wrap the root in a black fabric with the name of the person written on a parchment and placed on the inside. Close it with 3 nodes.
"my heart has released its chains, my heart is strong and free. Never again I will fall for you. With this banishment it will be." Dig a hole in the ground and place the root.

Spell to fix a broken heart
Must be made a Saturday or Sunday. You will need the following items: incense of Rosemary, a black candle, a white candle, a black pen, parchment and your cauldron. Draw your circle.
"Oh great goddess, come to my sides to free my heart of pain! Free me from this evil so that I can build a new relationship."
Light the black candle and write what you feel on parchment. Make it burn.
"Just like this parchment Burns, I reference in the universe and I releases pain."
Light the white candle and visualize its light filling you.
"Oh goddess, I am cured, suffering has disappeared. I am ready to return  in peace and love. Oh great goddess, thank you! Thank you for coming and bring me renewal. My heart is pure and I am in peace. Goodbye, be blessed."

To attract love in your life
If you are single / alone and you are looking for a companion, I can guarantee you that this spell will help you. However, prepare you to suffer the consequences as many positive and negative. This ritual has to be done in a bathroom that has a bath.
-3 candles White
Clean your bathroom and cover the walls with pink and white (you can use sheets) . Pour some salt in your bath. "Negativity is swept away, I renews today. A lot of heads will return to my passage, those that I choose will remain."
Light candles and enter your bath. Visualize  those that you want to get into your life. Clean your body carefully as it  entire.
"I am blessed, I am in love, I am loved and I love myself."
Exit your bath. Finish the ritual with these words: "I am blessed, I am in love, I am loved and I love myself. I am love."

Love philter
Caution ! I ask you to use this philter at last resort. This philter can only work if there is already some sort of affection of the target towards you. Leave a quartz (preferably a rose quartz) soak in a container of water in the Sun during three days. Pour it in the drink your soulmate. If you wish to attract someone in your life, you can take a bath in roses oil and a little bit of philter.

To make love decrease
Sometimes a person loves us too much and often...this feeling is not shared. This small spell have someone's love reduce. It can also be applied on you to forget someone. You will need to do it when the moon will be declining. The circle has to be held outside. It requires a white candle, three dried red rose's petals and string as well as two pieces of paper / parchment. Write the two names, yours and the person on paper, one for each name. Attach a different name at each end of the string. Purify the circle with salt and call the gods. Light your candle and disperse the petals around it. Hold the  string by his middle above the flame (for papers to burn) and say "as the moon declines, as well  I decline your / my love. I am an Eagle I am more than your dove (your slave (if you are a male)). Another face, more franc that mine / yours will soon win your / my love."
Repeat this until the paper is entirely consummed.

Spell of friendship
This spell attracts in your life people  who loves you family,  friends or lover. Be sitting in a calm and soothing position Be alone and empty your mind. Breath. Imagine a pink gas filling you at each breath. What's its texture? What is its smell? How do you feel? Of who does it makes you think ? Say the following sentences and continue breathing.
"The universe is big and galaxies turn. They do with the power of love. Mother Earth grows even when it snow. She does by love. The God dies and returns for its priests and priestesses. He made it by love. It includes my thoughts and my doubts. It's in my turn to do so and in torer power. The goddess, the God, everyone knows that I am the source of love. Give me the grace and guide me. Show me the way. In any as well."

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