The circle

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When drawing a circle, it is very important to place the elements. Of course, there are very specific positions.

In the North, the element "Earth" is placed. This can be represented by salt, earth, stones, a plant, or as for all the elements a candle or a stone engraved with the sigil of the earth. To the East is the "Air". The air is often represented by a stick of incense planted in the sand, feathers, or as for all the elements a candle or a stone engraved with the sigil proper to the air. The South, as for him, is represented by the "Fire". The fire may be signified by a candle or simply a fire, again as for all the elements a candle or a stone engraved with the sigil of fire. The water element is in the west. It is represented by a container of water or anything that would carry the sigil of water.

To prepare a base circle, first clean the area of ​​the circle. You can use your own broom or a normal broom. Meditate and empty your mind, enter the magye area and draw a circle around you. The circle may be traced with chalk, or formed with objects, or drawn with water or salt, etc. Circle the circle with a little salt to purify it. Call the deities and begin your ritual.

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