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It was sanvi's first day of college. After a long boring vacation filled with too much drama and stresfull days of waiting for results, she hardly had time to think about how her college days will be. But she too had expectations like other girls of her age. She thought her college life will be filled with colours of friendship, craziness, making new friends and studies too (her not so important priority).

Studies was really an easy topic to her. Being the highest scorer in her entire family constantly, She was really respected in her family for studies. Once when she had scored an solid 98.67% in her 10th board's her father Mr. Ganesh Prabhu invited all of their family members to their home and made them eat till their stomach's bulged to burst.

It was same with her 12th results also, She scored an 99%, the increase in 0.33% made her father much more happy.
After 12th she wanted to pursue further in her dearest field Botany and zoology. In other words Life science.

Being raised in a family of Engineer's, Life science was really new to her father who was an ex marine engineer. He spent half of his life being away from his family on sea's. When his wife reminded him of his children whom he missed seeing them grow ,he thought he shouldn't miss more and came back resigning his job. He now helped Vedant, his son with his new software company.

Saanvi was everyone's favorite in her family,mostly to her father. She was his small girl even now. Gowri her mother, was always busy on her computer doing all sorts of programming. Her father didn't say a word against Saanvi's desire of taking life science. He supported her, and her mother was not happy with her discission. "If you are so interested go for medical, You have scored so nice in your entrance",She would say. " Maa no way. I won't even dream about medicine but I'll surely continue our legacy. I'll do genetical engineering maa " said saanvi.

This made her mom breathe a little.
As her scoring was very good she was enrolled in IIT Mumbai. Everyone was happy except her. She really didn't wanted to study in IIT,when she said this to her father he thought a bit. No one in her family had studied in IIT. He again consoled his wife and all agreed to her discission.

She joined VJI Mumbai. She was really excited the day before. She matched her outfit with a pair of boots and a watch. "Simple is the new bold" she always thought. That night she slept of waiting for a new Beginning. A new Journey knowing nothing of how her life will be changed.

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