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Kanaya's POV

Oh dear I over heard everything the boys were talking about and boi did it concern the fuck outta me Karkat was my friend he was more than that he was like a little brother to me and no one messes with Karkat when I'm around.

I got up from the couch Rose giving me a confusing look as I walked into the kitchen. "I wish you wouldn't've done that," was all I said. 

They quickly gave me their attention because I haven't really spoken in this story for awhile I wonder why?

"Why he kind of deserved it he was being a jerk he made fun of my lisp KN," Sollux said taking a sip of his soda.

"Yeah I know but he's still fifteen," I said stating the facts cause I did turn Karkat at the age of fifteen.

Sollux took a moment to think about what he had done and spit his drink out all over the table. "I almost forgot that he was fifteen," he said wiping his mouth making this cringy facial expression at a though he had then made verbal, "with that in mind it's kinda disturbing that ED was going to marry him."

Everyone nodded in agreement. 

"Like child bride anybody," he chuckled.

I shook my head, "That's besides the point you should apologize." I said.

"Why give me one reason," Sollux demanded.

"Because he doesn't have any experience in socializing people but you do I know you watch how people act in your spare time I know that's the reason you choose not to interact with anybody because you think it's just terrible how people and trolls alike treat each other but Karkat he doesn't even watch he just sat in his room and that's mainly my fault because I didn't trust him enough and I just-" by now I was crying Rose had come to my side and Sollux hugged me telling me that he would talk to Karkat and try to apologize. 

I told him that was the best thing he could try and do was sit down and apologize.

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