Easily In Love

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So while Dean loved Castiel, there are just some things that he will absolutely not do. Like adopting an animal. He strictly put his foot down on getting a cat. Three weeks of Cas giving him the cold shoulder and pouting wore away at Dean until one day after work he stopped by at a shelter to find a cat for his boyfriend. Suffice to say, Cas was pleasantly suprised and also smug.Dean would like to say that the only reason why they now owned a cat was because he wanted to get one, not because he was completely wrapped around Cas's finger.

The truth was that he was completely enamored with Castiel. Everything Cas did made Dean fall in love with him more. From the little smile he gave when Dean pressed a kiss to his lips to the way his eyes lit up when he came home from work. Dean couldn't help but feel that he was unable to deny Cas anything. All it took was a flash of the deep blue eyes and Dean would fall like a house of cards. He didn't even resent the fact that he couldnt resist Cas. It was just a statement of how much he loves the man. While Castiel did use this to his advantage, like with the cat, and he often got Dean to do things that he would never have dreamed he would do, but it didn't matter. He loved Cas: denying him anything was not an option.

He would also like to think that the situation was the same on both sides. That Cas was just as in love as him. That he would do anything for him just like Dean would. He didn't presume that Cas was just as helpless against him, however if Cas felt just a fraction of what Dean felt now, then he knew Cas would do anything for him.

Their love wasn't anything showy.  They expressed it through their actions. Neither of them had to make grand declarations or sweeping gestures. All that was needed to show that they were both helplessly in love was the look in their eyes. There they inew that they were there for each other and that their bond was unbreakable. 

So Dean changed his thought. He loved Castiel and no matter how much hated something, if Cas was to ask for it all it woud take its a look in his eyes and he would see that his answer was yes.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2017 ⏰

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