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"Deeeean!Dean!come here!"

Dean whipped away from the table and ran towards where Cas's cry was coming from. As he turned the corner, Dean pulled out his gun searching for any danger that threatened Cas.

What he did find was a very eager Cas and the TV displaying Dancing with the Stars. Not that he watched the show of course; that was Sammy's thing. But before Dean could question why he was yelling for him, Cas beat him to it.

"Dean I have been watching the "Dancing with the stars" and I believe we should try dancing!"

By the time he finished Dean was laughing hysterically because Dean Winchester would never be caught dead dancing.

A sudden choking noise is what brought Dean's attention back to Cas. He automatically felt like a huge jerk when he saw the watery blue eyes and trembling bottom lip.

"Aw Cas I'm sorry I didn't mean to laugh, but seriously I don't dance and you don't even know how," Dean said quickly.

"It's okay Dean you're right. I don't even know how to dance and I shouldn't haven even assumed you'd want to anyway," Cas sniffled.

Dean stepped forward quickly and snatched Cas into a hug while wiping his tears away. When Cas stood stiffly in his arms, Dean thought about his earlier statement of never dancing. Maybe there was an exception to it. If he was dancing with the man he loved then he couldn't say no.

"Cas I never said I wouldn't dance with you I said I don't dance," Dean amended.

"Does that mean you'll dance with me Dean?" Castiel whispered  with hope filled eyes.

"Of course I will Cas. Always " Dean promised as he reached forward and took Cas's hand and settled his other on the small of Cas's back. 

Even though there was no music to dance to and Cas kept stumbling over his feet, the moment couldn't have been any more perfect because both men were dancing with the one they loved.

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