Technicolor Love

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Cas smiled when he heard his front door close. Dean was home. Lately he had been working more than normal. When he came home, he basically collapsed from exhaustion. He was too tired to even hold a conversation. Tonight though, Cas planned to mak Dean feel better. When Dean turned the corner into the living room, Cas automatically wrapped his husband into a fierce embrace. Dean had his face buried in Cas' neck, but he was still able to whisper to Cas.

"I love you so much honeybee" he whispered tenderly to Cas as he nuzzled deeper into Cas' embrace.

"I love you too Dean" Cas held Dean few blissful moments until Dean's stomach decided to interrup them. Cas chuckled as he released him. "I guessed you might be hungry; I made burgers. I just have to warm them up a little" Cas grinned at the loud groan that resounded from Dean.

"What did I do to deserve an angel like you, huh? Dean was smiling fondly at his husband.

"I think I'm the lucky one here" Cas said as he looked at Dean's tired face. He walked closer one more time to give him a peck on the lips, but pulled away when Dean started to pull closer.

"Food first, kisses later". He gave a stern look to Dean after he tried giving him puppy eyes.

"No stop it! You know I can't resist your eyes" a glance into Dean's eyes made him melt. "Fine one more kiss and that's all you get until dinner.

"Thanks babe" Dean smirked as he gave one last lingering kiss to Cas' lips. He followed Cas into the kitchen, and took a seat at the table. Once Cas had finished reheating the burgers, he set them down. Dean had to groan again because the sight before him was heavenly. A thick juicy burger smothered in ketchup, just how he liked it . Like always, Dean sloppily shoved the burger down. Cas watched fondly; after being with Dean for several years, he had grown used to the way he ate. It was another reason why he grew to love Dean. 

When they were both done, Cas moved to put the dishes away. As he came around to Dean's chair, he wraped his arms around the chair and Dean's shoulders. "While I clean up, you can go get ready to lay down and I'll come give you a massage"he pressed a kiss to the shell of his ear as he goes to finish the dishes.

Dean is already half asleep and sprawled out on the bed when Cas is finished. A smile spreads across his face as he slips onto the bed with Dean. He gives a soothing murmur into Dean's ear as he starts to rub his shoulders.  He can feel how Dean absolutely melts at the contact.

"I love you beloved" Cas couldn't help but whisper gently into his ear.

"I love you too honeybee" Dean sighed.

Cas leaned down to Dean's ear. He thought about saying something sweet again, but thought of a better idea. He took a deep breath and blew straight into his ear. He dissloved into hysterical laughter as Dean gave a girlish shriek. Dean retaliated by gripping Cas around the waist and tickling mercilessly. It was his turn to shriek as he tried to kick away. They ended up lying on top of each other. Dean was fluttering kisses across his face.

"How did I get an angel like you?" he rested his forehead on Cas' and nuzzled his nose across his face.

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