All We Do

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Dean supposed that this was normal. In every relationship he had, his partner would grow bored, fed up with him. They would slowly draw away, cutting him off physically and emotionally until all that remained of the relationship was the empty memories Dean held onto.

Dean was no idiot either. However much his partners told him it's not you its me, he knew that it was a lie.They couldn't handle the emotional constipation, the often times closed off stance he took, and the baggage he carried. It just came as a surprise when Cas stayed longer than expected.

For the first time, Dean actually had a relationship that made it to the moving in with each other stage and past the one year mark of living with each other. They were happy. Caught up in the blissful feeling of living a life together. They spent their mornings with slow kisses and wide smiles. When they parted for work, a lasting gaze was given with promise that they would be together again in a few hours. At night one of them would cook dinner and they would curl up on the couch enjoying the moment. When they went to bed, they stood side by side brushing their teeth. Then they crawled ito bed with each other, wrapped in the others arms.

This domestic bliss often scared Dean. He never had it before. It always blew up in his face before he could obtain it. He was afraid that one false move frim him would result in Cas leaving. It was always in the back of his mind. If I do this will Cas stay? Will he come home tonight?  Am I going to wake up one day and find him packing his bags? These thoughts terrified him. One of the only good things in his life that Dean cerished was Castiel, and if he were to leave it would would destroy him.

So it came as no surprise when almost two years of living together and three total of dating that Cas started to change. For the past two weeks he had grown distant and seemed to have a air of secrecy around him. One day he didn't even come home until a few hours after Dean had made dinner and had eaten alone. Dean wanted to confront him on this, but his own fears were stopping him. Maybe if he let it go, Cas would stay. He felt pathetic, but Dean didn't want to let him go.

He wonders why he even agreed to go out with Cas when they first met. Dean knew it would end in disaster. He could never be happy. Any happiness he gained was later ripped from him. What made him think that Cas would be any different. The man could have anyone he wanted, but he stayed with Dean. He probably regretted ever giving him a chance.

The thought of Cas regretting their time together made a sharp ache spread through his chest. He recalls a memory so sharp it takes his brreath away. It was the first time that Dean had let Cas take contol in the bedroom. Cas had whispered praises in his ear and promises of aways staying with him. At the time Dean wanted to believe him so badly, and he had for a time. He wanted to think that their relationship would last. They seemed so happy. He didn't know why Cas suddenly started to change. Could he have found someone else? Was it that Dean wasn't enough for him anymore; had he realized that he could be with someone better?

The thoughts of inadequacy and hearbreak plauged his thoughts  keeping him from sleep, so he laid awake at night fighting with himself and hating the fact that he fell in love with Cas too deeply. He would watch Cas as slept, gazing at the handsome face he fell in love with. His heart ached. Any day now Cas could leave him. He gained his love and now he would destroy him with it. In the morning Cas would peck him on the lips and part with a small smile, the gestures seemed empty-no more than a routine chore.

That night something changed from the cold quiet that had been smothering the two. As Dean was making dinner, he turned to find Cas standing nervously in the doorway. Once he saw that he had Dean's attention, he slowly approached him. When he reached Dean, he wrapped his arms around him and buried his face into his shoulder. He gave a chaste kiss to Dean's jaw, then turned to the cupboard to gather dishes for their dinner. As he walked out to the table, Dean stood dumbfounded. Cas's attitude  went in a comlete one-eighty. Dean felt apprehensive about what this could mean. Did Cas make up his mind? Is this his way to be nice to me before he leaves? He shook himself out of his thouhts. If Cas was going to leave him, then he was going to cling to the moments he had left.

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