Blown Away by You

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Deans pov. 

I wonder if Cas will ever realized how much I actually stare at him. At times it seems as if I can never physically look away. Like right now he's cooking and he has this cute look of determination, I just think of all the reasons I love him. 

He seems as if cooking breakfast for me and him is the most important task he has, and once I get to those thoughts I start to think why did he ever choose me. With  his gentle ways, his small but heartfelt smiles that are mostly shown through his eyes, and the absolute love that shines through his whole body when around me it makes me think that nothing else could ever make me happier. 

Compared to him, I feel like I'm out of my league, but the selfish person I am holds him closely and loves him anyway.

As I look at into his hypnotic blue eyes, I can feel a burning warmth rush through my heart. Those eyes that are shining with love and determination.  The deep blue in his eyes are what catch me most. They always show me how he feels making words inadequate because I can see his emotions swirling in them. 

For awhile now I've had  the ring in my pocket. Every time I work up the courage to say what I want to say, it's not the right time.

Now though as I see him softly swaying to his own humming, I feel a lump of words waiting to burst out.

"Cas" I softly say.
When he turned to see me kneeling in front of him, he let out a soft gasp and covered his mouth excitedly.

I let out a quiet chuckle at his reaction before I schooled my expression to a serious one.

" Cas I have known you for seven years. Each one of those years was were the best of my life. You taught me to love again. You broke my tough exterior and raised  a broken man up from a place he couldn't escape. Without you I would probably be dead. You managed to make a man who thought love was fake, to fall completely and utterly in love with you because you are such an amazing person.  Now that you changed my life and I got to spend the past years with you, I ask that we make a future together. Cas will you marry me?"

Cas' eyes were shining and I could tell his hands were shaking, but before I could do any thing, he dropped onto his knees and wrapped his arms around me.

" Yes Dean! Forever yes!" He cried into my shoulder.

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