Can't look away

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The feeling of another persons gaze burning into his face is what made Dean look up from his work. When his eyes met the others he had to hold in a gasp.
  The iciest blue eyes made Dean feel like he was being pulled into the depths of the Arctic, but those eyes sparkled with overwhelming amounts of emotion in them.  They showed curiosity, wonderment, and calculation. Dean couldn't help but stare back into those eyes, and wonder why of all people he was the one receiving it. Unable to handle the staring Dean jumped up and grabbed his notebook while walking away from the penetrating stare.
Later that day Dean was walking down the school's hallway when he felt the telltale prickle of being watched. He ignored it thinking the only reason he would get a stare like that is because of his looks and not his personality. Through the rest of the week Dean could feel that stare following him around. At the end of the week is when he snapped.

Dean had been sitting in the library once again when  he could feel that stare burn into him. The stare made him angry; no one ever looked at him like that. They only looks he ever got were ones of lust or contempt, but the one he was receiving now was full of the opposite. Dean couldn't handle it; he had only been looked at with such adoration by his brother, and that didn't count.
  Jumping out of his chair, he stalked over to the other boy. Dean quickly took in the others appearance. The blue eyes weren't the only beautiful feature of this boy that made Dean want to never look away.
When Dean reached the boy's table, he was met with a smirk and a low chuckle.
Even his almost laugh was hot Dean thought as he opened his mouth to speak.

"Why are you staring at me?"

"Because you're something to look at ," he replied saucily while looking up and down Dean's body. Dean shuffled awkwardly when he felt like his face was on fire.

"That doesn't explain why I you keep following me around!"

"Maybe I just can't be away from you." He replied with a smile.

"You don't even know me," Dean retorted.

" Well how about we get to know each other over coffee tonight," came the smooth reply.

"Why are you taking such interest in me. It's not like you want me for my personality," Dean scoffed.

"That's where your wrong. I've seen you around and even with your looks aside you seem like a genuinely great person. You help people without expecting anything in return and you're the most caring person I've ever met. And that is the reason why I think your beautiful not hot or sexy but beautiful."
Dean could feel his heart hammering in his chest and his eyes started to prickle.

"Nobody has ever tried being this nice me without an ulterior motive," he said with caution.

"My only motive is to get to know you. If we become friends, fine. If you want something more also fine, but if you want to walk away now and forget this conversation I won't hold it against you. "

"I don't even know your name," Dean mumbled.

"Castiel," he laughed.

"I think you know my name already don't you castiel," he said wryly.
All Castiel did was smile and duck his head shyly, which was a surprise since he acted so bold before.

" You know Dean I'm really not that good at this. It took a lot to even have this conversation, but I put up this confident act because I really do like you."

"I think I like the shy you better," Dean said with a warm smile. Cas smiled and shook his head.

"So what do you say to coffee tonight," Cas said while trying to fight a smile. Dean thought about it. He knew it wouldn't hurt to try, and Castiel looked so sincere with his offer. He also said he was fine if they stayed as friends. 

"What time," Dean said enthusiastically

"How about six o'clock at the Grinds down on Pine St."

"I see you then," Dean replied while walking back to his things.
Later that night during his date with Castiel, Dean could tell that he would become much more than friends with the other man.

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