At First Sight

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Some form of hell must be creeping into Dean's eyes. There was no other explanation for the brightness filtering into them. With a groan of protest he cracked a eye open just to be blinded with a hellish beam of sunlight coming through unfamiliar curtains. 

The new curtains should have been the first clue that Dean wasn't in his own house, but it really was the arm that suddenly slipped around his waist that clued him off. Accompanying the arm was a soft, feathery feel of hair tickling Dean's chin and a steady puff of breath onto his collarbone.

Slowly looking down as though the sight below him would be one of disastrous proportions, Dean was met with the heart stopping sight of one of the most beautiful men he had ever seen.  The man that was currently wrapped around Dean like an eel. Damn, Dean thought as he looked at the stranger; why can't I remember who he was and how I ended up with the him. The last thing Dean does remember was walking into the bar next to his job and ordering a copious amount of alcohol to drown his stress from work out.

The surprising thing about the situation was that Dean wasn't freaking out over it. Usually Dean didn't end his day in alcohol or even picking up one night stands.  It was just that with running his own restoration business and dealing with a brother who lives on the opposite coast as you isn't as peachy keen as it might sound, and sometimes Dean takes it out in the only way he know how. But even then, he should be surprised to see himself in a man's bed. Dean knows he isn't straight,  but his main preference is women. It is rare that he finds a guy that fits his tastes,  but the one currently nuzzling into his chest fits the bill to the tee.

From the dark, kitten soft look of the man's hair to the chapped lips he was utter perfection. However he scored him Dean didn't know because whoever this man was he could do a lot better than an emotionally strung out thirty five year old.

Before his self-deprecated thoughts could go to far, the mystery guy made a soft noise as he stretched languidly across Dean's chest. A solitary blue eye squinted into the light and up to Dean and Holy God the man's  eyes we're like a book full of poetic words just waiting to be written. Dean forgot anything about the man's eyes when he spoke, and if any voice was as rough a resonance As his then he would surely die. The man had voice like a think cord striking glass when he uttered a sleepy hello. Startle into a response, Dean blurted out a confused greeting in return. Chuckling, and wow even his laugh sounded like a distant rumble of thunder, the guy buried his face back into Dean's neck. Suddenly a flash of memory shot through Dean.


A dimly lit bar and the smell of alcohol permeated the the air. The air was thick with the heat of the mass of bodies crowding around the bar and dance floor. Dean remembers the flash of blue in the edge of his vision and turning to look for the alluring colors. What he saw did not dissapoint him in the slightest. A man was standing at the end of the bar  looking at him with his head tilted slightly to the side. Even though he my not amit it it,  Dean  was not entirely interested in the female party as he seemed. On occasion a guy that was just his type would get his engines revving; the man in front of him was doing for him now. He slowly sauntered toward the man and seductively looked at him through his lashes. Dean could see the effect it had on the other man,  the strangers eyes darkened to a royal blue and his breath became deeper. Smiling knowing he had already had this man interested,  Dean gestured to the bartender for two beers. He took a sip from one and slid the other to his companion. "My names Dean, and you? " 

Dean had to give the guy credit. He didn't act as he if he was suprised or even awkward in this situation.He seemed absolutely comfortable in his presence without even knowing him for long.
Usually about now the person would make a half-assed excuse in order to made a quick exit all the while making awkward aborted glances at him.

Dean glanced down again and happened to meet Castiel own gaze. Instead of quickly looking anywhere but Castiel,  Dean held the stare. The deeper Dean looked into his eyes the warmer his chest grew until it became unbearable.

"Are you hungry? Because I can cook a really good omlet " Cas blurted out randomly.

Was he actually asking me to stay longer? Do I want to stay longer...Hell yeah. Dean thought as he looked back into Cas's royal blue eyes.

"Uh.. sure Cas."

"Cas? He said as a small smile appeared on his face. "like that."


For some reason as Cas cooked he put out an aura of grace and agility. He held a small pleased smile as he shook pepper into the pan in front of him. In that moment it struck Dean that he hadn't felt this calm in such a long time. It had been hard for Dean to relax ever since his father had died. The only time he ever felt this good was when he was in his baby. But now with the soothing emotions flowing through his body, he couldn't  help but  feel like he deserved something like this more often.

The clatter of plates on the table is what worked Dean out of his revery. The food that was set in front of him was still steaming, but looked amazing. Dean looked back up to see that Cas was settling into his own spot at the table across from him.

"You know you don't have to wait on me to eat, right ?"

"Sorry" Dean chuckled nervously as he took the first bite of the omlet. When the food hit his tounge he let out a loud groan of happiness. Now Dean wasn't one for homade cooking. His meals consisted of cold pizza and microwavable meals, but that was not saying he couldn't tell good food and this was one of the best breakfasts he had in a while.

"This is so good" he mumbled making Cas's face go red.

"You're welcome... maybe i-I could make you dinner sometime? He asked while ducking his head.

Could this man become any more cute? Should I even be with him? I want to be happy; maybe this is what will finally do it. Dean thought. What Dean didn't realize while he was thinking his silence must have been upsetting Cas.

" I mean..  ugh to be honest I've never really been with anyone, and seeing you last night woke something inside of me that I didn't know was there. I feel like I am a new person but Im still me. So the fact is that I know we just met, and I don't know what i'm doing at all but what I do know is that your the first person that has made me feel the need of anothers touch."

" Woah Cas I didn't mean to upset you! I was just thinking that it would be nice to be able to get to know you more. That it would be good for me to start trying to be happy again, and I feel like you could be the person that could make that true." He desperately hoped that Cas didn't think that he was thinking too far ahead.

Cas smiled in relief " I feel the same despite just meeting you, but what I said was true. I've never been with another person before. I have always been somewhat a loner."

Dean smoothly grabbed Cas's hands and lacing their fingers together he said "Maybe we can help each other be happy by relying on each other ." Cas stared at their intertwined hands and thought of the improvement he has already felt within himself just by being in Dean's company. Maybe giving himself to do am would help both of them.

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