“Donna” John’s voice snaps me back into what I was doing, I can hear him coming up so I quickly put more of my clothes along with the picture in the bag and grab my purse. John opens the door as I’m grabbing my coat. “There you are! Just let me explain!” John pleads, then looks down to the bags at my feet “W-wait.. Y-you’re. Don’t leave me. D-Don-Donna.”

“John.” I say softly, looking away from his soft light brown eyes, I wouldn’t be able to leave if I looked at him. I laughed dryly, sniffing away the tears, yet my voice still managed to quiver as I talked. “I-I can’t st-stay here.” I tell him, looking at the floor as I make my way to the doorway he’s standing in, pulling my arm out of the grasp he tries to attach on me.

I couldn’t stop crying, I would light up a bit then think of anything and start crying again. Everything managed to remind me of him and I knew I couldn’t even escape into my thoughts. I walked down into a more busy street, hailing a cab and luckily at four in the morning some taxi pulled over to me.

“Where to miss?” The driver asked me and I told him the first place I could think of; my grandfather Leon’s house. Leon wasn’t actual family, it was by marriage still he treated me like a daughter, Leon was born in England and after his first marriage ended, he married my grandmother who immigrated here from Columbia when she was only seven.

The drive took long, I tried to sleep but couldn’t. Ever memory of being in a taxi with John or even George, Ringo, Paul and Emily came flooding into my head like a tsunami of thoughts. I finally arrived bright and early at six, I knew Leon would be awake and I was glad of it. I thanked the driver and paid him, I could tell he was as thankful as I was that the car ride was over. I looked up at the brick house and walked up the small set of stairs to the porch and knocked on the door.

As I waited for him to answer the door, I looked out at my surroundings. I knew this place pretty well, the sun was trying to poke through, but like every late October day I knew it wouldn’t have a chance. My mother had me young, it wasn’t as great as it seemed, but my grandparents doubled as parents since they were still in that age range. I remember once my grandfather Leon had gone off to war when I was a very young girl, my grandmother called mom and asked for us to come live with her while Leon was off at sea.

It didn’t take long for Leon to meet me at the door. “Ah! It’s you Donna!” Leon said excitedly and pulled me into a big hug, I hugged him back and was glad to be welcomed by literal open arms. “How’re you? You look great, well you look like you need some sleep but nothing a quick kip can’t fix.”

“I’m fine, grandpa. Glad to be back actually and I haven’t slept at all.” I told him and he opened up the door wider for me.

“Ah, I’m glad you’re ‘ere to darlin’! You can go up to your room yeah? I’ll wake you up for… a… say lunch? Yeah?”

“Sure! I’ll see you then. Thanks, really.” I tell him and he just waves his hand as I kiss his cheek and go up the stairs to my old bedroom. I don’t have time to look around at the bedroom, because as soon as I hit the bed I’m out like a light switch.

**Emily’s POV**

I didn’t get up last night. I knew I should have. But I was too tired. I woke up this morning and Donna was gone. My immediate reaction would be that she got lost somehow in someway, but the small note on the counter led my suspicion to the correct answer; she left on purpose. Something must have happened with John last night, he hasn’t been out of his bedroom all day and this unsettling stillness is laying in the air.

Ringo, George and Paul all went out to lunch together, I let them go alone. Who knows maybe I’ll be able to talk too John. I began to prep myself before I attempted to go in… John’s scary when he’s mad or has been drinking. Especially without Donna around to keep him in a better state of mind.

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