Jibbs - 5 - Saviour

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Sam was a rambunctious little boy. He climbed trees, jumped over anything and everything, but also, like any other boy, he was destructive.

Sam stood outside his house one day, for no reason, throwing stones on the driveway to see if they would break. Jenny walked out to check on him and found several dents in the car doors.

"Sam! What are these???"

Sam shrugged his shoulders. "Some of the rocks bounced and hit it."

Jenny looked at the car, anger rising up in her. "Samuel, put the rocks down now and go to your room. I want your homework finished and your room cleaned by the time I come up there."

"What? Why?"

"We do not damage others property, especially something expensive like mommy and daddy's car."

Sam begrudgingly did as he was told. Jenny looked at it and rolled her eyes. This wouldn't go over well with Gibbs.

She's was right. It didn't go over well. Gibbs was very mad. She and sam could tell because he was quiet. Dead quiet.

Sam ended up being grounded for a week. It was the least Jenny could get Gibbs to go for. She's knew Sam was just being a boy, but Gibbs was determined that Sam knew better.

Sam wasn't too happy with this arrangement. He didn't intend on spending his summer at NCIS.


The next day, Sam went to NCIS with Gibbs and Jenny. Even though he loved seeing the 'police officers', he didn't like the idea of being forced, so he wandered around the building.

Ziva stood outside the elevator, waiting for it to come, when she heard a little crackle sound. Suddenly, she heard a wire snap and the elevator literally falling through the elevator shaft.

When it stopped right by her door, she heard Sam in there. He was screaming for help. Ziva knew to act fast. She used her belt and a plastic spoon to get the elevator door open.

"Don't worry, sam. I'm gonna get you out of there!"

Sam peeked through the crack. "But you're a girl! You can't help me."

Ziva smirked again. She got the doors further apart and managed to pull Sam out just in time for the elevator to go crashing down.

Sam looked up at Ziva. He gasped. "You're my Saviour!"

Ziva smirked. "You shouldn't be wandering about anyways. Let's go find something for you to do, huh?"

Sam smiled and nodded. He took ziva's hand, and they went off to find him a job to do.

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