McAbby - 2 - Sleep

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So, the wedding was great, super cute and all the little details would be great to write about, but moving past that, abby and mcgee figured out normal life relatively quick upon returning from their honeymoon.

The daily routine started by Mcgee waking up and showering first. He was an early riser because he loved to get in thirty minutes of a video game before work. Of course, he wouldn't do so if Abby asked him not to. But that was only on a special occasion *wink wink*.

There hadn't been too many of those days recently. Mcgee could tell that something was up. This morning, when he woke up and showered, he didn't play games after, instead, he lay back down in bed next to abby, who was sitting up, but still in bed.

"So you wanna tell me something?"

Abby looked shocked. "What? No. What makes you think that?"

"You've been so secluded the last couple of days, abby. What's going on?"

Abby smiled. "It's nothing. I'll tell you soon enough." She kissed him and then headed to the showers.

Mcgee went on two more days without bringing it up again. But he had to do something when he returned home one day.

Abby had left early for reasons she would not tell. Mcgee worked a little later. Ziva had brought Ali by NCIS, since she and Tony only brought one car in.

Ali ran in, filling the room with giggles and cuteness. She skipped over to mcgee. "Uncle Tim!!"

Mcgee lifted her onto her lap. "Hey, ali, what's up?"

"I made this for you," Ali said adorably, holding out a little piece of paper. It was still damp from glitter glue and paint, but it was a very sweet gift.

"Aww, thank you! You know what I'll do? I'll hang it up right here." Mcgee stuck it to his corkboard.

Ali smiled and hugged him. Ziva smiled as she waited for tony. "You'll make a great father, tim.."


"I meant someday. Someday you'll make a great father," Ziva said a little nervously.

Mcgee let out a breath. "Okay. Thanks.."

Tony and ziva left. Mcgee was there for about an hour after, then he decided to go home. He walked in the door and smelled something burning. He walked into the kitchen and saw smoke coming from the oven.

He opened it and smoke burst out. He fanned at it with his hands, but that didn't do much. Abby came running in and flipped on the switch for the fan. She opened the back door and front door.

About ten minutes later, the smoke had mostly cleared. Abby was in the living room, mcgee was in the kitchen, cleaning up whatever was left from the cookies Abby had forgotten about.

He went into the living room and saw Abby crying on the floor. She was crouched as if she had just been too weak to stand. He rushed to her, of course.

"Abby! What happened??"

She gasped, not being able to speak. Mcgee put his arms around her and helped her over to the couch. Then he sat with his arms around her as she cried.

"What happened?" He asked when she was less crying and more sniffling.

"I can't even make cookies for you. I'm just so stupid I'll never be a good mom."

"You're not stupid. You're the smartest woman I know. And of course you'll be a good- what!?"

"I wanted to make cookies for you to tell you I'm pregnant. But I am so stupid I can't even do that!!!"

Abby burst into a whole new set of tears. Mcgee shushed her? "You're pregnant?! I'm gonna be a dad!!!"

Abby turned mad. "TIM, I'm trying to have a moment would you shut up!!!"

Mcgee rubbed her back. "Sorry... sorry... that explains it though..."

"Explained WHAT!?"

"Well, you've been kinda moody lately and eating more.."

"So you think I'm fat???"

"No, no not fat. You aren't fat at all."

"So I'm too skinny? Like a twig??"

"No! Of course not. You're perfect just the way you are."

"So you don't think I'll be perfect when I'm fat!? Well then why don't you just pack up and leave now rather than wait!?"

Mcgee put his hands on Abby's shoulders. "Abby stop! You're having a moment... just take a deep breath... everything is okay. We're gonna lay down here. And we're going to think about how excited we are that were going to be parents. Okay??"

Abby nodded, calming down. She lay on Mcgee's chest, snuggled up close to him. After several minutes, she was very drowsy. "I love you, tim... I'm so glad you could make me a mommy.."

Mcgee smiled. "And I'm so glad you can make me a daddy..."

Then they both drifted off into a deep Sleep

NCIS Short Stories part 2Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant