Tiva - 4 - The Office

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"Ali, please don't do this..." Ziva pleaded.

Ali whined for the millionth time. Ziva sighed. "You're really sick?"

She nodded. Ziva rolled her eyes and looked back at tony. He handed her the thermometer.


"She's got a fever, sore throat, and said her stomach hurts," Ziva explained to Tony.

"Well, we can't take her to daycare like that..."

"You're not thinking NCIS..."

Tony nodded. "Where else would we take her?"

Ziva sighed. "Gibbs said not to bring our personal life to work."

"I'm sure he won't mind that much."

Ziva bit her lip. What other choice did they have? "Okay. I'll go get her ready."


Ziva walked in later than Tony. They had to drive separate because Ali was being especially difficult. Ziva carried her in, and all her things. Tony saw her struggling and rushed to help.

"What do you want me to take?"

"Take Ali."

Tony lifted Ali and put her leaning against his shoulder. She whined at the transfer. Ziva collapsed at her desk, already exhausted.

Mcgee raised an eyebrow. "Gibbs won't be happy."

"Shut up, mcgee. Where else were we supposed to take her?" Tony snapped.

Mcgee shrugged his shoulders. He was right, however. Gibbs walked in, and immediately noticed the extra visitor.

"DiNozzo. Why is she here???"

Ziva groaned and Tony explained, "She's sick. Got a fever, sore throat, the whole shebang. The daycare wouldn't take her and no sitter is available."

Gibbs rolled his eyes. "You need to find somewhere else for her."

Ali whined. She caught a glimpse of Gibbs and gasped, which made her cough.

"Gi... Gibbas??" She said softly.

Tony looked sad at Gibbs. "I can't take her somewhere else. She won't let me."

Gibbs rolled his eyes again. "Then take her down to Abby."

Mcgee cut in. "Uhhh, that's not such a great idea. I wouldn't want Abby to catch whatever she has. It's not good for the baby."

Gibbs rolled his eyes for a third time. "I don't care! Whatever! Figure something out because we've got a dead body!"

Gibbs spewed out the place and rushed out the door. Tony looked at ziva. "What do we do?"

Ziva shrugged her shoulders. "We have to take her with us."

Mcgee nearly choked on his extra foamy latte. "With you!? Gibbs is gonna kill yall!"

"Yeah shut up probie."


Ziva walked out to the crime scene, all the while poo using a stroller. Inside the strolled was a beautiful, upset, sleepy litte girl. Ali rubbed her eyes and yawned.


"Yes ali?"

"Where we going?"

"To imah and abba's work."

Gibbs wasn't happy. He saw ziva come up and walked over to her. "You cant have a baby at a crime scene, ziva!"

"What else was I supposed to do!?" Ziva hissed. She didn't want to make Ali upset.

"Not my concern! You can't have her here!"

Ali started to cry. "Watch me," Ziva said as she walked to the front of the stroller. "Ali, baby, what's wrong?"

Ali spoke some Hebrew. Ziva glared at Gibbs. "She doesn't like you yelling. Good job gibbs, you made her cry."

Then ziva turned to Ali and spoke in Hebrew to her, calming her. Then ziva stood. "Gibbs, she has never been sick before, and I will keep her with me. I don't care what you say."

Gibbs glared at her. "Back to the van then."

Ziva glared up at him. The tension between them was super thick. Ziva turned and walked very swiftly back to the van.


When they returned to NCIS, gibbs made ziva give Ali to Tony and then go to the elevator to wait for him. Tony didn't like it, but he couldn't double over Gibbs like that.

After about fifteen minutes of waiting in the elevator, gibbs finally got there. He pushed a button, then he flipped off the elevator. He turned to Ziva.

"What is wrong with you??? You disobey a direct order, back talking Me, I feel like a disrespected parent!"

Ziva stood still before him. "I'm sorry gibbs, while you may feel like a disrespected parent I feel like a neglectful parent. So I'm sorry you feel this way, but I'm not sorry I did it. Ali needs her mother and I need my daughter to feel loved! So I won't back down and I won't do as you say regarding my family because you may have control over my work, but you don't have control over my family!"

Ziva was on the edge of tears from frustration. She hated being mad at Gibbs. He was like her father, but she couldn't let this go on anymore. Gibbs wasn't so much caught off guard by this, as he was waiting for it to happen. Finally, now that everything was out on the table, gibbs nodded. Then he flipped on the switch.

Ziva threw up her hands in frustration. "That's it??? You want me to get mad and tell you off and everything is fine!?"

Gibbs gave a little smirk, but stayed silent. Ziva glared at him, then she reached across him and turned off the elevator again. He turned to her, "What do you want me to say?"

"I don't know, SOMETHING!"

"I think you are making the right choice putting your family first. A choice I should have made when I was starting out here. So, congratulations. However, I will not tolerate you disobeying a direct order, so just find a backup for your child when she is sick."

Ziva 'humph'ed. After a moment of silence, she reached over and turned on the elevator again. Side by side, they stared at the door until it opened. Ziva started to walk but stopped in her tracks when Gibbs lightly smacked her on the back of her head and sped past her. She glared at him, then rolled her eyes and smirked. She had to admit, he was like a father to her, and it was more of a playful tap than anything.

Ziva was so thankful for her family, NCIS and biological.

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