Tiva - 1 - Secret

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<>please read the description to understand that this is not a continuation to my other short stories book. :) however, I can continue thst one if you's like... just let me know in the comments!!! <>

That sound was amazing to Tony's ears. The sound of ziva singing. It was a Hebrew song, one he had heard her sing so many times. Her voice was beautiful.

He walked into the kitchen, where she was cleaning up from breakfast. She stopped singing as soon as he entered. "Do you need something?"

"No... I just love it when you sing..."

Ziva smiled. "Well, how about we make a deal. I'll sing more for you if you don't forget to pick up Ali from her preschool. It's a half day, remember?"

"Oh yeah... I forgot."

Ziva smiled. She scribbled something down on a sticky note and stuck it to his forehead. "There... now you'll remember."

Ali, or Alison Rose DiNozzo, was Tony and Ziva's three year old daughter. She had soft, brown hair that curled at the ends, but was mostly straight otherwise. She was absolutely adorable.

Tony smiled. He kissed her nose. "I won't forget. Promise."

Ziva smiled. "I'll see you at work..."

Tony nodded and left. They had to take separate cars, or it'd look suspicious.

You see, tony and ziva had been married for six years now. They had kept it hidden and were doing very well. They made a deal with the director, where she sent them on an assignment in another country for about seven months while Ziva was pregnant with Ali. They hadn't told a soul about their marriage. Gibbs would be too upset.

Little did they know exactly how many secrets were being kept in the workplace.


"Bye bye, Ali. I love you."

"Bye bye, imah!" Ali said in her cute little three year old voice. (As for spelling, I'm just spelling imah as it is pronounced. If you have another suggestion, please comment with it.)

Ziva kissed her cheek and headed to work. She walked in a little late, like normal. She and Tony switched on and off every day of who would drop her off and come in a little late.

"Hey, isn't it weird that you and Tony are always late by exactly twelve minutes every other day?" Mcgee asked.

Ziva shrugged her shoulders, but stole a glance at tony, who raised an eyebrow.

Mcgee nodded. "Must just be a coincidence... but Gibbs won't be happy if you keep showing up late."

"Who's late?" Gibbs asked, making his grand arrival with Jenny tailing him.

"No one. " Tony said.

Gibbs smirked at Jenny a little. She looked like she was about to burst with happiness.

"Well, Jethro and I have an announcement."

Tony smiled at ziva. They had both predicted this.

"We are getting married in the summer."

Everyone cheered with 'congratulations' and 'oh, that's wonderful's.

Tony had practically rehearsed this. "But Gibbs, what about rule 12?"

Gibbs shrugged his shoulders. "I got tired of it. And decided it should only be broken under special circumstances.

Tony smirked at Ziva. This was it. This was the time that they would tell Gibbs and the whole team.

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