Tiva - 2 - Trust

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It was weird back at work with everyone knowing that there were so many secrets. Most of the time, the talk was about the upcoming wedding of McGee and Abby.

However, today was snowy, and Alison's daycare was shut down. Tony left ziva to take care of it, to make sure that at least one of them wasn't late. It was ziva's day to take Ali to daycare anyways.

Ziva walked in to work a while later. Tony looked up, "Hey, zi.. what did you do with... nevermind."

He was about to ask what she did with ali, but then he saw that she was carrying Ali. Ziva sighed as she set Ali down.

"All the babysitters were busy."

Ali walked over to Tony and held her arms out. "Abba," she said in her always adorable voice.
Tony smiled and had to pick her up and set her on his lap.

Mcgee walked in from walking Abby to her Lab. He saw Ali and sat at his desk, watching for a moment before saying, "you know, gibbs probably won't be happy when he sees-"

"When I see what?" Gibbs asked, walking in. He stopped when he saw Ali. "What's your kid doing here?" He asked.

"All the babysitters were busy," Ziva said, "and her daycare was closed for snow."

Gibbs had a slight glare in his eye as he sat down. Ali looked at tony. She tugged on his sleeve and said, "Abba, who the, the old guy?"

Tony kinda smiled, but he stopped when Gibbs looked up. He leaned closer to Ali. "That's my boss, gibbs."

Ali tried her best to pronounce it, but it came out, "G-Gi.. bba? Gibba?"

Ziva laughed a little. Tony smiled and corrected her. "Gibbs..."


Tony saw the corner of Gibbs' lip twitch into a smile. Ali giggled. She saw it to. She got up and walked over to his desk. She crawled under it and said from below, "Gibba?"

Gibbs looked down. "Yes?" He said in a funny voice.

Ali giggled. She crawled her way into Gibbs lap, and remained their until his phone rang. He stood up with her in his arms. "Dead body."

He walked to Ziva, handed Ali to her, and said, "find somewhere for her. Whether it's with Ducky or Abby or Jen."

Ali played with ziva's necklace. "Well she's definitely not going to ducky. And I'm sure Jenny is busy. I'll take her to Abby."

"I don't care," Gibbs said, showing his tough side again. "Just be in the car in five minutes."


"I don't know why I'm so worried," Ziva said on the way back. Tony was holding her hand.

"Abby will take fantastic care of her."

Ziva nodded. "I know."

Tony kissed her hand.

The first place they went when they got back was to Abby. They rushed in and ziva was about to start throwing questions out when Abby out her hands up frantically to be quiet.

Where her normal music was, now their was soft nursery piano music, and on the floor on a mattress was Ali, fast asleep.

"I just got her to sleep," abby said.

Ziva looked at tony and smiled. Now they knew that they could Trust her with Ali.

NCIS Short Stories part 2Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon