Jibbs - 1 - The Wedding

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Gibbs smiled. Jenny was beautiful walking down the aisle. He had waited more than half his life for this moment. This was the first woman he truly loved after Shannon and Kelly...

His mind flashed back to all of his ex wives on their wedding day. Each were beautiful, and at the time he thought he loved them.. but now he knew the feeling of real love. And that is not what it was at all with his exes.


The wedding was traditional. It was short and sweet. Everyone loved it of course. Jenny couldn't stop smiling. Neither could Gibbs.

The reception was held at the NCIS headquarters. It was decorated and everything, so it didn't even look like work.

They partied all night and Gibbs and Jenny set off for their honeymoon. They lay in bed that night, falling asleep snuggling.

Jenny couldn't sleep. All she could thing about was how she was the luckiest girl in the world.

<sorry it's so short. I suck at writing wedding stories, lol>

NCIS Short Stories part 2Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz