09. | R E - I G N I T I O N

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"I ain't," Carter said as he rubbed his thumb over her caramel cheek and pressed their foreheads together, "You got a part of me that I can't never get back," he said and took a deep breath, "You gave me somethin' that no other woman could ever give me," she knew that he meant his first child, "And I'm always gonna love you, even though I fuck up sometimes - - and fuck, half the time I don't know why I be fuckin' up," said Carter, "Despite all that bullshit I be puttin' you through sometimes - - I love you, girl - - you know that - - always and foreva'."

"Carter," the tears poured from her eyes more quickly, "I wanna believe you - - I wanna believe that you mean what you say - - that you really do love me - - and that you're in love with me the same way as before," Destini said as she cried, "But you make it - - you make it so - - so hard and," she was cut off by his lips pressing against hers softly and his hand stroking her cheek.

He slowly pulled back and stared at her and whispered against her lips, "If you gonna believe me," Carter said, "Then that's all, right?" He whispered again and pecked her, "Just believe me whether I'm a fuck up or not, ma," but it wasn't that easy for Destini when she knew Carter had his bad habits about him. Women were one of his many vices and though he was a good person at heart, he hurt her in many ways that he could never really understand, "You hear me?" She nodded her head and wrapped her arms around his neck, not knowing if she really did believe him; they'd been down this whole road before.

She wrapped her arms around his neck tighter and looked up at him, kissing his lips once more as Carter held her face in his hands. His tongue slid expertly into her mouth and found Destini's tongue, massaging his against hers while he ran his thumbs against her tear stained cheeks. She groaned into his mouth and pulled him closer, feeling what she hadn't felt in months burning inside her and allowed Carter's hands to slide down to her waist as she tried to stop the tears from flowing.

"Stop cryin'," Carter said into her mouth as she felt him sliding his hand down her zipper and helping the zipper of the dress as well. The red dress slipped effortlessly off her body as she unbuttoned the whiteness of Carter's tuxedo shirt and pushed it off his shoulders. Her dress was in a pile in the sand now and because of the strapless design and how the dress fit her breasts perfectly, she wasn't wearing a bra.

Destini laid there in her panties, earrings, and the beautiful necklace that he had bought her as Carter took off his beater underneath the top layer and threw it in the sand in their heated moment of passion. She slid her hand down to the button of his black pants and the zipper as well and helped him out of them until he was wearing nothing but his boxer briefs which were going to come off next.

She bit down on her bottom lip and opened her arms as Carter came back down on top of her and her legs separated a little to allow him in between them. Destini cradled the back of his head in her hands, fingering her way through the soft curls and stared at the sky as Carter's lips roamed her neck passionately and made her moisten between the thighs. Even after so long the way he kissed her, the way he touched her, and his body pressed against hers still had the ability to make Destini wetter than an ocean like it was their first time all over again.

Her mouth curved into an oval as she felt his tongue slid down her neck, between her breasts and felt it curve over one of her hardened nipples gently. Then came the slight force, his mouth engulfed the skin and he sucked while grabbing her other breast in his large hands and massaging it lightly. She let out a soft moan as she felt his tongue circle her areola again and then his wet mouth take her in pulling with his suction. They were pressed so close together that she could feel his nature rising inside his undergarments as he was laying between her thighs.

Destini looked down at Carter as he gave the other breast the same attention and then looked up at her while sliding his long pink tongue right down the middle of her body, stopping at her belly button. He looked at her slightly mischievously and then looked back down, dipping his tongue inside her belly button while his fingers gripped her thighs. One of them he had held up a little, her foot resting on the blanket while her kneecap was bent and facing upward to the sky.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐋𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐬: 𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐌𝐄𝐊𝐇𝐈Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant