Chapter 24- Loki

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Today was the wedding of the year. And if I wasn't nine months pregnant in the middle of summer I would've been more thrilled.

But that's enough about me; it's Steve and Bucky's big day.

I was going to wear a nice, green sundress that went to my knees. The dress was pretty comfortable and it laid nice on my stomach. For it being a hot day in July, I'd stay nice and cool in this dress.

Anthony walked into the room, wearing his suit, as I sat on our bed combing through my hair.

"Don't you look sexy." I commented. He walked over and sat down next to me.

"Thanks. But no one beats you." He said then kissed my cheek. "Shouldn't you be getting ready?" I held up the comb in my hand. Anthony rolled his eyes before gesturing to the dress hanging on the closet door.

"I will." I told him.

"Yeah?" He put his hand on my knee before he continued. "No matter if you go into labor today or tomorrow or next week, I'll stay by your side until you do." I set the comb down, looking into his eyes. "And if it just so happens that you go into labor today, Steve and Bucky will understand. Everyone there understands. Now, go put your dress on." I nodded slightly.

I kissed his cheek before I got up and grabbed my dress off the hanger. I walked into the bathroom and changed. When I walked out, I found Anthony standing there waiting for me.

"Good, you're ready." He commented. "We need to get to pictures before Steve throws a fit."

"I'm not even in this wedding. I don't see why I have to be there for pictures." I complained.

"Oh relax. Steve wants you to be in them because you're my wife." I laughed softly.

"Gotcha." I responded as we walked to the location Steve and Bucky wanted to take pictures. Everyone by now was here and waiting for the photographer. Natasha had turned around to look for the photographer but instead noticed the two of us.

"Hey you two. Damn Loki, you look beautiful." She complimented. I smiled.

"Thank you, Nat." Clint, Bruce, and Sam turned around to see us.

"Damn Loki." Sam said. "Nine months pregnant and you still look smokin'."

"Hey, you two, back off. She's mine." Anthony joked as he wrapped his arm around my waist. "Where the hell is the photographer?"

"We don't know. He said he was running late." Bruce explained. As if on cue, someone came running up to us.

"Sorry I'm late! My boyfriend refused to let me get dressed this morning!" The photographer stated, slightly out of breath.

"It's fine, Peter. As long as you're here now." Steve remarked.

After pictures we went out for a late lunch before the wedding. It was Anthony, Natasha, Thor, and I at one table and everyone else scattered around.

We ate lunch and it was like the hours flew by. Soon it was time for the wedding. Steve and Bucky wanted it to be dark enough for fireworks to show before the wedding started. I thought that idea was beautiful because then they were going to set their own fireworks off as they kissed.

I said goodbye to Anthony as we both went our separate ways. I was almost outside the door to take my seat when Anthony ran up to me and grabbed my wrists. He got my attention by slamming his lips against mine.

"I love you." He stated.

"I love you too." I giggled.

"You know what to do if you-"

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