Chapter 5- Tony

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Days turned into weeks which then led into months until it eventually became three glorious months of dating Loki. Those months had been filled with adventure and excitement and pure adoration from both parts. I didn't know it was possible for me to love someone as much as I do him.

We had taken our relationship slow until around a month and a half of dating. Pictures were leaked of us walking out of a movie theater holding hands. The press blew up about it so we had to come clean about our relationship. Clint wasn't too happy about it but that might just be because he hasn't gotten over being mind controlled yet. Natasha wasn't too keen about it in the beginning but eventually warmed up to the idea when she caught us cuddling one date night. Steve, surprisingly, was super okay with it right off the bat. This has calmed Loki down immediately.

Thor is still fighting the war in Asgard or whatever it was that he had to bring Loki here. Honestly, that day is kinda fuzzy. All I remember is our make our session on the couch and then the start of our relationship. Loki and I both feel like when Thor does come back, he'll take Loki with him. If he does then I'm left with nothing but a broken heart. And I can't do that again.

See, when Pepper broke up with me, I couldn't handle it. I stayed down in the lab for days on end, my robots and occasionally Bruce keeping me company. There wasn't a reason for me to go upstairs and be social so I didn't. I even signed Stark Industries off to her and that was the last time I saw her. She runs the company and I we split the profit. That was six months ago.


"I'm sick of it Tony! All you care about is that stupid team! What about your company? What about. . . What about me?" Pepper asked, clearly aggravated. I had my backed turned to her, repairing one of my suits. "Ever since Ultron, the team has been your main priority. We barely see each other anymore. Hell, I'm practically running your company!" She continued. I paused but didn't look around, I didn't was to see what was awaiting behind me. Pepper inhaled. "You have to choose Tony, me or them?" She asked, calmer than ever.

The wrench fell out of my hand as I turned to look at her. Was she really asking for me to choose? "Pepper I can-"

"No! You need to choose." But how? How do you choose something that would affect your life so drastically? If I choose the team then I'm losing the only person who keeps me sane. But if I choose her then I lose the people that think of me as family. That I think of as family.

"I. . . I. . ." I attempted but my words seemed to fail me. I sighed, hanging my head. "Here." Signing a small slip of paper, I had now made Pepper the new CEO of Stark Industries. She stared at it in shock. I don't think that was the answer she wanted. "I choose the team." I admitted. Pepper held her head up high. "I'm sorry Pep, but they're my family now. You can't turn your back on family." Pepper straightened her posture.

"Very well, you have made your decision. Goodbye Anthony." She said and walked away, her heels clicking against the floor. I stood there for a little bit before I felt a tear fall down my cheek.

"I made the right decision." I mumbled to myself but I know I didn't mean it.

I chose family over her. She probably hates me now. No. She does hate me right now. But at least the company's in good hands.

"I made the right decision."


This shouldn't be happening. I shouldn't be dating him. I'm just going to break his heart like I did Pepper's. Oh Pepper. I don't deserve this amazing man I can call a boyfriend because I didn't even deserve my ex-girlfriend. Maybe I'll just call the whole thing off.

No! No, I'm not going to do that to myself. I love Loki. But then again, I "loved" Pepper. Ugh! Why is life so complicated? I'm not letting Loki get away from me. Not again. Never again.

"Anthony, darling, are you okay? You've been staring off into space since I walked in." Loki asked lightly, shaking my arm from where he stood in front of me. I didn't even notice him walk in.

"Hm? Oh. Oh, y-yeah. . . Yeah, I'm fine. Just really tired." I mumbled. Loki pressed his lips into a thin line.

"Maybe you should go to sleep." He suggested, checking my forehead. "You don't have a fever as far as I can tell so I don't think you're sick." He kissed my forehead. "Goodnight, my love." I smiled back at him.

"Goodnight, babe." I whispered. Loki smile faintly before walking towards the door. He sent me one last glance before exiting. I curled up on my bed and fell asleep.


"I'm gonna get you!" I screamed as I ran after my boyfriend. Being the god of mischief he decided to dye my hair pink. A bright shade of pink. I chased him all over the house, hearing laughs as I passed the Avengers, and finally caught up to him in the kitchen. "Who told you dying my hair was a good idea?!"

"Natasha." He replied shyly. "I'm sorry, darling. But I couldn't resist." He chuckled softly and ran his fingers through my hair. "You have to admit, Anthony, it is quite funny. Plus you look adorable with bright pink hair." I glared at him.

"This means war you know." I declared. Loki smirks and rolled his eyes.

"Please, I'm the god of mischief. You'll lose, my sweet." I smirked.

"We'll see." Loki raised an eyebrow.

"What are you planning?" My smirk widened. His did do. "We're gonna have fun, aren't we?" I nodded. And thus the pranking war began.

I covered all of his clothes in bright pink and silver glitter. He spray painted all of my suits green and orange. I switched his shampoo out for coconut water. He changed all the passwords in the tower. The war didn't stop until a bucket of water meant for Loki spilled on Natasha. We were both too afraid of what would happen if we continued.


I was walking into the living room when I heard a crash and then a muffled sound followed by someone yelling. Picking up my pace, I found Thor standing in the middle of the room looking for someone.

"Asgard has won! I have returned! Now it is time to take my brother back!" Thor announced upon seeing me. My eyes widened.

Loki ran up the stairs and locked eyes with me. The expression he gave looked similar to a kicked puppy's. I couldn't see him leave. Especially to go back to a kingdom who doesn't love him. I grabbed his hand, intertwining our fingers.


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