Chapter 20- Loki

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We stayed in bed for a little while longer before Anthony eventually went back to the lab. I got dressed in Thor's sweatshirt and the sweatpants I was wearing earlier. Tying up my hair, I walked downstairs to find Bruce sitting in the chair reading from a book and drinking tea. I smiled at him before making my own cup.

"Hey Loki." Bruce greeted, lookin up from his book. I placed a teabag in the warm cup of water before leaning against the counter slightly, my hips pushed out so I wasn't putting pressure on my stomach.

"Hi Bruce." I greeted back with a faint smile. He smiled back, looking concerned. I closed my eyes with a small sigh.

"You feeling okay?" He asked. I nodded, grabbing my cup and walking over to the couch.

"Just tired." I stated as I sat down. "These little stinkers drain my energy." I commented. We both laughed as I rubbed my thumb over my bump. I don't think I'll ever get used to seeing this. "Why do you ask?"

Bruce shook his head. "No reason, just wanted to make sure you and the babies were okay." I smiled, taking a sip of my tea. "You know, we can run down and give you an ultrasound, tell you the genders too." I shook my head.

"I don't want to know." I stated. Bruce nodded, sitting back in his seat.

"Alright, I won't push." He stated. I laughed slightly. "Have you two thought of any names?" I nodded.

"Yes, actually." I remarked. "We came up with three really good ones our fake Christmas night." Bruce raised and eyebrow.

"Just three?" He asked. I shrugged.

"We came up with four." I told him. He nodded, still looking confused. "One is. . . alright. The first three were better." He nodded.

"Understandable." He remarked. "Do you care to share?"

I nodded. "We came up with Colleen Olivia and Jessica April for girls and Michael Vincent or Anthony, which I'm thinking might just end up being Michael Anthony Vincent, and Nicholas Austin for boys." Bruce smiled.

"You haven't decided on a middle name?" I shook my head. "How come?" I raised an eyebrow, sending him a look. He nodded. "Tony?" I nodded.

"Who else?" We shared a laugh. I took a sip of tea. "Well, we couldn't figure out which one sounded better so it's not entirely his fault." Bruce smiled.

"Gotcha. Well the two girl's names are beautiful." He remarked. I smiled.

"Thank you." Just then, Steve walked in, a binder in his arms. "What's with the binder, Steve?" He turned to look at me, sending me a smile.

"It's our wedding binder." He answered simply. "Bucky's gonna come over soon to work on it with me."

"Ah, yes. The great Rogers/Barnes wedding." I remarked. "Have you picked a date yet?"

"Yeah." He blushed and looked away. "We're planning on Fourth of July." I smirked. Of course Captain America was planning his wedding day on Fourth of July.

"Wait, isn't that close to your due date, Loki?" Bruce asked. I looked over at him, my eyes widening.

"Shit. You're right." I cursed, closing my eyes. I opened them a moment later, looking at Steve. "I apologize in advance for anything I say or do that day." Steve chuckled.

"We'll understand if you're a little cranky." He remarked. I smiled warmly.

"Thank you, Steve." He waved it off as he came and sat down on the other end of the couch.

"You feeling okay?" He asked. My brows furrowed.

"Like I told Bruce, just tired." I repeated. "Why wouldn't I be?" Steve shrugged.

"Just curious. Nat said she saw Tony carry you upstairs." I bit my lip.

"Oh." I remarked, scratching the back of my neck. "I, uh. . ."

"He did?" Bruce asked. "But you seem fine, why did he have to carry you upstairs?" I bit my lip again.

"Oh, um, uh." I mumbled. "I-I would rather not talk about that." I shifted uncomfortably on the couch, being careful of my stomach and teacup. Bryce smirked.

"Alright. We understand." Anthony walked in and kissed me on the cheek. I smiled softly.

"Hey." He greeted everyone.

"Hey Tony." Steve greeted back. Anthony noticed the binder and raised an eyebrow at it as he walked over to sit with us. He sat down on the floor in front of me. I ran my fingers through his hair.

"What's with the binder?" He asked.

"It's our wedding binder." Steve repeated. "Bucky said he would swing over to come work on it but he should already be here by now." He explained and looked a little down at the end of it. I smiled reassuringly at him.

"I'm sure he just got caught up in traffic." I told him.

He nodded. "You're probably right."

"Now, did you two pick a date?" Anthony asked. "Because you hadn't the last time I asked you." Steve rolled his eyes.

"Yes, we have." He stated. "Fourth of July." Anthony looked at me.

"One, isn't that close to your due date? And two, isn't that kinda cheesy?" I leaned closer to him.

"One, yes it is. And two, our wedding day was Halloween." I joked. He pursed his lips before kissing me. I rolled my eyes.

"Let's just hope you pop before then." He remarked. I just rolled my eyes and laughed lightly at his comment.

"Let's hope. I don't want to ruin your perfect day by going into labor." Steve rested a hand on my knee.

"You going into labor will not ruin the day. We will understand if you two have to leave early." Anthony and I looked at each other, raising an eyebrow. We both started laughing a moment later.

"Thanks, Steve. That means a lot."

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