Chapter 8- Loki

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I opened my mouth to speak but no words came out. Anthony had just proposed. Anthony just proposed. Of course my answer was yes, I just couldn't form the words! This man, this unbelievable man wanted to marry me. And I still hasn't answered.

Anthony leaned in closer to me. "Not that I'm gonna rush you, but, people are starting to stare." He whispered. That seemed to snap me out of my shocked state.

"Yes." I breathed out. "Yes, of course. Of course I'll marry you!" I beamed. "Why would I ever say no to someone who was willing to give me another chance after New York?" Anthony refused to look me in the eye.

"No reason." He mumbled as he slipped the ring onto my finger. I smiled, looking down at it before pulling Anthony in for a kiss by his tie. He smirked into it before pulling away, going back to his seat. I couldn't stop smiling at him, my dessert long forgotten and his long melted. Anthony smiled back at me.

"I have never loved anyone in the nine realms as much as I do you, Anthony Stark." I admitted, a dreamy sound to my voice. Anthony's smile grew.

"I love you too, Loki Laufeyson and I could never imagine spending the rest of my life with someone that wasn't you." I held up my left hand, the ring gleaming in the light.

"Luckily, you'll never have to worry about that again my sweet." Anthony leaned over the table to kiss my nose. I scrunched it up as he did so. He rolled his eyes before we both started laughing. I sighed contently. "Whatever did I do without you?" He shrugged.

"Had kids with a bunch of other women." He replied before smirking, his eyes glinting with something I'm all too familiar with. "And a horse." I rolled my eyes and leaned back in my chair, crossing my arms over my chest.


"Guys, we're home!" Anthony announced, carrying me in bridal style. He looked down at me; I laughed at the goofy expression he had. There was a small crash coming from upstairs as everyone rushed down. I rolled my eyes, knowing the crash came from my brother.

"Did you ask him?!" Clint asked impatiently, bouncing on the balls of his feet. Natasha was smirking by his side.

"How the hell did you know I was going to ask him?" Anthony asked. I cleared my throat, earning his attention. I gestured to my chest as he set me down. "Her. How the hell did you know I was going to ask her?" He corrected. I smiled.

"Tony, you're asking Clint how he knew after asking Natasha for help picking out a ring. If you didn't want her to tell him then you should've asked someone else for help." Bruce remarked. I snickered, knowing he was right. Anthony was glaring at the two. Natasha rolled her eyes and continued to smirk.

Steve and Thor were looking between the three of them. "What the fuck are you guys talking about?" Steve asked. Anthony smirked.

"Language!" He remarked. Steve rolled his eyes. "But apparently Widow told Birdbrain that I was going to propose to my girlfriend tonight." I smiled, liking the way girlfriend rolled off his tongue when referring to me. I might just stay like this for a while.

"You did what!?" Thor boomed. I rolled my eyes, playing around with the ring on my finger. Anthony caught me doing it and smirked. I shrugged slightly.

"I proposed to my girlfriend." Anthony repeated slowly, as if he was talking to a two year old. I smirked.

"Tony that's amazing!" Steve cheered. They shared a smile.

"MY BROTHER IS GETTING MARRIED!!!" Thor boomed. I winced, my hands springing to my ears.

"Can you not yell?" I asked harshly. Thor smiled sheepishly, kicking at the floor.

"I don't think he has any other volume." Anthony remarked playfully. We both started laughing at what he said. Anthony grabbed my hand as he brought me in for a kiss, my free hand finding the side of his face. The whole room awed the second Anthony doin me around and dipped me.

"Alright, enough of you two being cute." Natasha demanded.

"Yeah! Clint agreed. "Let's see the ring!" Everyone crowded around as I stuck my hand out for everyone to see. I found myself staring at it as well; it was truly remarkable. The gold band was the perfect symbol of coming together since both of our suits contain gold and the green stone was such a lovely shade of green.

"Wow Tony, you really know how to pick a ring." Clint joked. Anthony rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, well, there's more to it." He stated. I frowned.

"What do you mean?" I asked him.

"Did you not look at it completely?" I shook my head, apparently I didn't. "Well look at the inside of it." I slipped the ring off in order to look at it. On the inside were the words Ironfrost Forever engraved in it. My heart melted as I threw my arms around my fiancé (that's a word I can get used to), slipping the ring back onto my finger.

"Oh Anthony, it's beautiful." I remarked. "I love it almost as much as I love you." Anthony chuckled, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Well, I can't take all the credit for it. Natasha helped after I almost had a heart attack in the store." I giggled softly. Anthony kissed my cheek.

"You know what this calls for?" Natasha asked, her smirk still plastered on her face. No one answered. "Pull out your champagne glasses and get ready to party, this falls for a celebration!" Anthony and I laughed as Natasha left to go get the bottle of champagne and glasses for us all.

She returned moment later, handing everyone a glass. Anthony popped the cork and started pouring drink for all of us. Natasha held her glass up high.

"To Tony and Loki, may they live long and happy lives together." She toasted. I laughed as everyone soon joined in. With a sigh, I raised my glass high as well. I wrapped my arm around Anthony's as we all drank together.

"I love you." Anthony whispered, nipping my ear slightly. I giggled.

"I love you too." We shared a smile before Natasha started speaking again.

"Of course, seeing as thought you're dating Tony, you'll need help in planning this wedding so feel free to ask me for help." I laughed and nodded.

"Noted. But I think we'll be able to plan this on our own." Anthony and I shared a look, both of us smiling warmly. Everyone else started smiling as well. I held my glass up slightly.

"To us." I said. Anthony clinked my glass with his.

"To us."

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