Chapter 4- Loki

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It had taken half of the month to adjust to living with the Avengers on Midgard. The rest of the month was filled with Anthony and I secretly and slowly advancing our relationship when he wasn't busting himself down in the lab. It basically consisted of the occasional hand holding and kisses on the cheek. Anthony had told me that Bruce knew about our relationship and quickly added that he was okay with it. Just thinking about it brings a smile to my face. No matter what everyone thought of him, he really did care.

I was sitting in my room reading a book one day when Anthony walked into the room. The window was cracked open slightly, letting in fresh air and sunlight. The scent of fresh bread from the bakery close by wafted into my room. Anthony walked over to me and sat next to me, as I was sitting cross-legged on the bed. I continued reading, not paying much attention to him. Anthony has taken a liking to checking up on me when I spent most of the day in my room. Today was just one of those days. But Anthony pulled me closer to him and started playing with my long raven hair. At that point I knew he wanted something.

"Yes Anthony?" I questioned, closing my book and turning my attention to him. He rolled his eyes and scrunched his nose. He acted like he hated it when I called him Anthony but I knew he secretly enjoyed it.

"I was going to ask you out on a date but forget it. Obviously your book is more important than your boyfriend." I rolled my eyes, smirking. Anthony cracked a smile, kissing me lightly on the cheek. "Would you want to go on a date with me?" I frowned slightly.

"Won't people see us together?" Anthony shrugged.

"Maybe." He answered. "But you can't stay cooped up in the tower all the time. Besides, it's a nice day today. We could go out for lunch and then ice cream at the park." I looked away. Anthony placed his hand on top of mine. "And if anyone sees us together, so be it. I'm not afraid of our relationship, Loki." I bit my lip before nodding.

"Alright. Let's go on a date." Anthony chuckled.

"Gee, Lok, don't sound too enthusiastic about it. It's just our first date after all." I rolled my eyes and smiled. Anthony kissed my cheek before standing up. "Go get ready. I'll meet you downstairs in about ten minutes." I nodded, watching Anthony's retreating figure before heading to my closet.


Anthony brought us to some fancy restaurant that only he would be able to pay for. I rolled my eyes as our waiter led up to a secluded section of the restaurant. He smiled smugly as I sent him a look. The waiter left after setting down the menus. Anthony pulled out the chair for me to sit down in before sitting down across from me. The light coming in from the window behind me made Anthony's eyes sparkle.

"You did this intentionally, didn't you?" I accused. Anthony shrugged, opening up the menu and looking at it. I laughed as I opened mine. After glancing at it for a moment, I looked up above it at Anthony. "Thank you." His mouth was covered by the menu but I knew he was smirking.

"For what?" He asked, feigning innocence. I smiled warmly, looking back at my menu.

"You know what for." I told him. Anthony chuckled, setting down his menu. I set mine down a few minutes later. "You didn't have to do this just for me." I gestured around at the secluded and very private section of the building we were seated in. There was soft classical music playing that I had just picked up on and beautiful roses in the vase on the table. It felt like something out of a fairytale.

"Of course I did." He corrected. "I'm dating the prince of Asgard after all." I laughed slightly. Anthony smiled and placed his hand over mine. "Just because your father never thought you were special doesn't mean I have to." I smiled faintly. Anthony pulled his hand a way to take a sip of the water on the table.

After about two minutes, the waiter came around the corner to get our orders. Anthony sparked up the conversation again as we were waiting.

"So, I heard you've gotten around quite a bit before you met me." I raised an eyebrow. That wasn't false but where did he hear of from? "You even had kids with some of them."

"Where on Midgard did you hear this from?" Anthony smirked and shrugged. I rolled my eyes. "Yes, I did have kids before I met you. They've gone off on their own though, so I don't see them that often." He nodded slightly.

"Is it true that you physically had one of your children?" He asked, raising the water glass to his lips. I looked away and scratched the back of my head.

"Uh. . . Yes, actually." I admitted quietly. "It's, uh, quite the story. But let's save that for another day." Anthony chuckled softly. I looked up at him, shocked by his reaction. I was expecting him to push it and beg the story from me. Crossing my arms, I raised an eyebrow. "Alright. Where is all this coming from? You obviously know more about me than I thought you did." Anthony laughed. The waiter came around, setting our food down in front of us. I had gotten a salad and Anthony decided upon the spaghetti.

"Don't make this seem any weirder than it already is but, I've been reading books about you." I raised an eyebrow. "Old myths and things that used to be bedtime stories to kids." He explained. I nodded. "I figured some of it had to be true." I nodded, taking a bite of my salad. "So I started from the beginning and worked my way up. I was surprised by the story of you bearing a child, though." I laughed.

"Trust me, no one was more surprised than I." Anthony joined in in my laughter.


After lunch, Anthony led me to Central Park. Before we went inside, we stopped by the ice cream stand and waited in line. Anthony hesitantly reached for my hand to hold. I smiled as I met him half way, intertwining our fingers. Looking around, I realized no one was paying us much attention I let out a content sigh.

"What flavor ice cream do you want?" Anthony asked, looking over at me with a goofy smile on his face.

"I think I might just get Blue Moon." I answered as we moved up a place in line. He nodded. "What would you like?" He shrugged.

"I think I might just get the weird Superman flavor." He answered. I looked over at where the man was scooping out said ice cream into a cone.

"Well, it certainly looks quite colorful." I remarked. Anthony chuckled.

Eventually we made it to the front of the line and ordered. After that, we sat down on a bench in the park (which looked stunning). There were children playing, flowers blooming, and butterflies flying all over which made the park come to life. For a second it almost looked like mother's, no Frigga's, garden back in Asgard.

"Anthony, do you ever want kids?" I asked.

"Hm?" He hummed. I moved closer to him. He wrapped an arm around my waist.

"Did you think you'd ask me about my family and I wouldn't ask if you wanted one yourself?" He shrugged, taking a bite of his ice cream.

"I thought you'd just forget to ask after I brought you here." He remarked. We both started laughing. I took a bite if my ice cream and rested my head on his shoulder. "Maybe some day in the future, when we're both madly in love with each other and married, I'd like to have a kid." He stated. I looked up at him. "I'd love to explore the whole you carrying kids thing." I rolled my eyes, swiping my finger through my ice cream and sliding it across Anthony's cheek. He chuckled as he tried to lick it off.

"Let's wait until we're married, Anthony. Then we can talk."

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