Chapter 6- Loki

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"No!" Anthony and I screamed at my oaf of a brother. I didn't want to go back and I certainly didn't want to leave my darling boyfriend alone on Midgard.

"But you are a prisoner of Asgard. Not to mention its rightful prince." Thor pointed out looking confused as always. I huffed.

"I am nothing of Asgard." I stated. "I have found a home here. With. . ." I drifted off, biting my lip slightly. Anthony squeezed my hand reassuringly. "With Anthony."

Thor looked over in Anthony's direction. "With Man of Iron?" He asked, turning back to me. "I do not follow." I rolled my eyes.

"What Loki's trying to say Thor, is that he's content here with me." Anthony tried to explain. The blonde fool still looked puzzled.

"And why is that?" He questioned. Anthony shrugged.

"Maybe it's because I'm his boyfriend." He stated as if it were nothing. I smiled and wrapped my arm around his waist. He returned my soft smile with his famous goofy one, causing me to smile even more. Gods of Asgard do I love those smiles.

"You have found a partner here on Midgard?" Thor asked. I nearly about lost it.

"For Odin's sake, yes Thor!" I yelled. I looked to Anthony, calming down slightly. "And I couldn't be happier." Thor seemed to somber up, rising to his full height.

"Then it would be rude to separate you the two of you." He stated. A flicker of hope sparked within me. "You shall stay." He allowed. My eyes widened in excitement. "Under one condition, you do not harm anyone here." I chuckled.

"Deal, as long as I don't have to part ways with Anthony." The brunette smiled before kissing me. I sighed contently as Anthony rested his forehead against my own.

"Let that be settled!" Thor boomed. "Where is the rest of the team? They should be here for this celebration!" Anthony shrugged and pulled away.

"Not sure, Thor, I don't keep tabs on them. I'm not SHIEID. JARVIS, wanna help a man out here?" I nuzzled my head into his chest.

"Already on it sir." JARVIS announced. "They should be down in a little bit."

Anthony smiled. "Thank you."


"Hey Thor. Did you win?" Clint greeted as he hopped onto the couch moments later. Anthony and I were already intertwined on the couch together, Thor sitting opposite.

"Yes, indeed we did." He answered.

"Does that mean Loki needs to leave?" Bruce asked, peering at the blonde over his glasses. Thor shook his head, his locks bouncing slightly.

"No. He has found love with Man of Iron, it would be unwise to separate the two." He stated. "My brother can stay."

"Excellent. I would hate to see Tony heartbroken again." Bruce muttered. No one seemed to hear that comment besides me. I sat up, pulling away from Anthony.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked softly. He shook his head, looking towards Anthony.

"I'll tell you later." He answered. I nodded slightly, sitting back against my boyfriend.

"That's great, Thor. Loki's been an excellent guest here." Steve commented. Thor smiled.

"Capsicle, you make it sound as if this is your home to be concerned with." Anthony commented. The room erupted in laughter.

"Well, I'm glad Loki has acted fair." Thor stated as the laughter started to die down. Anthony glanced at me.

"There was the one time. . ." He started but never finished, a smirk playing at his features. I chuckled and rolled my eyes knowing where he was going with this.

"What did he do?" Thor asked, crossing his arms over his chest. I rolled my eyes.

"Oh nothing." Anthony brushes off. He just dyed my hair pink. A very bright pink, mind you." He narrowed his eye at me, leaving in closer. "Still haven't gotten all the dye out yet, care to join me in the shower later?" I smirked and nodded.


"Okay. Tell me what you meant when you said you didn't want to see Anthony's heart broken again." I demanded once everyone went back to doing their normal activities. I had followed Bruce down into the lab whereas Anthony went out with Steve to go do something. I believe it was to meet Bucky.

Bruce roller his eyes slightly. "He hates it when you call him that." I shook my head.

"No, he only makes it look like he does." Bruce chuckled.

"You know Tony was dating Pepper before he fell for you, right?" I nodded.

"I have heard bits and pieces about their relationship, yes." Bruce pursed his lips.

"Well after Ultron, Tony was spending too much time with us instead of with Pepper. So she finally snapped and made him choose. He chose us which, if he didn't he would have never fallen for you but, it caused Pepper to leave him. He signed the company over to her and she left. Never to be seen again. He was heartbroken, he barely ever left the lab. He was deeply in love with Pepper but now he's deeply in love with you. If you left Tony to go live or be imprisoned on Asgard, it would crush him, past the point of return. He's like my brother Loki, I don't want to see him hurt."

"Oh." I said, words seeming to fail at that moment.

"Would you mind handing me the test tube behind you?" He asked, changing the subject.

"Oh, sure. H-here." Reaching back, I grabbed the test tube before handing it to him.

"Thank you." He said with a smile. I smiled back.

Wow. Anthony must've really loved Pepper. I can't even begin to imagine what it must've felt like for him to go through that. Has he been worried this entire time that I'd leave him?

My eyes widened in fear. "How do I prove to Anthony that I'll never leave him?" I asked, worry consuming my thoughts. Bruce sighed.

"You don't. You can't, really. He'll never believe you if you tell him, Tony isn't that great with words." I frowned. "You just have to always be by his side, not literally though." I nodded. "And hey, remember when I said he's like my brother?" I nodded again.

"Yes, I do." Bruce nodded.

"I'm not gonna give you the whole 'Don't hurt my brother or else I'll kill you' speech but I am gonna say green might not be your favorite color anymore if you do." He threatened. "And you've already seen what the other guy can do." Bruce's eyes flashed green. I gulped.

"Oh, uh. . ." Bruce chuckled, breaking the tension.

"I'm only kidding. I know you love him and would never hurt him." He stated.

"Oh. T-thanks?" Bruce stopped what he was doing and looked up at me.

"Just remember to make sure he knows you love him."

Just One Kiss [Ironfrost]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang