Chapter 20: Doritos Sound Like Dumptrucks

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Song: No Favors: Big Sean ft. Eminem

I open the door for my mother to let her in.

"Hey mum." I say and kick the door shut with my feet.

"Tassy, I'm gonna be staying at Cherry's house." When she notices Marshall and I, she slows down and eyes us.

"What's happening?" She asks.

Marshall and I look at each other then back at her.

"Nothing." We say together sounding guilty as fuck, and I look down at my hands. We probably look like two kids who were caught doing something wrong.

She gives us a weird look and we all knew that we were lying, but like a good sport she moves on and goes into my room to get some things from her bag.

I hope I can try not to be a jealous girlfriend when Marshall goes to the clinic with Kim but who knows what'll happen.

Marshall's P.O.V

I can't believe that Tassy is letting me go with Kim. Most girls wouldn't be down with that shit but that's just another reason as to why she's so amazing.

I thought about the stuff she said yesterday and, if I say that the thought of the baby not being mine, isn't haunting me, I'm a fucking liar.

But I'm not gonna focus on that right now. My main focus now is getting through this appointment.

"So Mrs. Scott how have you been feeling lately?" Dr. Kendall rubs some hand sanitizer onto his hands.

Kim looks at me and then the Doc, "I'm alright."

I could see in her eyes that she wanted to say something else.

"That's good." He says and finishes putting his gloves on and grabs some grease thing to rub onto her stomach, and he rubs some type of machinery to help us see the baby.

He points at the moniter and smiles at us, "This is your baby."

At first I didn't see anything but then I noticed the shape of it. It was cool and weird at the same time.

"Now it's time to see if it's a boy or girl." He moves the thingy around on her stomach until he sees the baby's genitals, "and its a......."

For fuck's sake, just say it!

"A girl." He smiles at me and then Kim, "you're having a girl!"

"I'm having a girl." I repeat to help it process. "I'm having a fucking girl!"

Kim's smile grew wider and the way she looked at me made me feel as though I was actually in a good relationship with the girl having my baby, but in reality that sure as hell ain't true.

The meeting with the doctor was finished and Kim and I were waiting outside for her sister to pick her up.

"I really miss you, ya know?" She says and I glance over at her. Her blonde hair is being blown about by the wind and she's wearing a pink maternity dress.

"I guess I miss fighting with you too." I chuckle. She does the sane and shakes her head.

"Why don't you come back? This is your baby, don't you want to raise her together?" Here it goes. All of this is really starting to stress me out.

"I know we have problems but we should just put them to the side for her." She looks at me and her brown eyes were just reminding me of why I fell in love with her, and of all the memories we have together.

"We should think of a name now." She suggests and a dozen of nice names come to thought, but one just stood out to me.

"What about Hailie?" I ask.

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