Chapter 9: Betrayal

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Song: Raw by: Bad Meets Evil

I seriously don't want to go to work today. Marshall is hiding something from me and my best friend's hiding someone from me. Am I not trust worthy?

I ask myself, while brushing my teeth. I spit out the toothpaste and rinse out my mouth.

I mean I've been good to everyone. I never tattle tailed, never gossiped, so what's the problem. They're afraid I'm gonna judge them?

After brushing my teeth I dry my mouth with a towel and leave for work.

Yeah I'm in a grumpy mood. I have no one to turn too. I shouldn't keep blocking people out because they don't want to tell me something. I'll be left with no one.

That's why I am going to apologize to Laurie. I realized that if people want to keep something to themselves I should let them. Everyone's gonna have secrets.

I get off of the bus and to Starbucks. I come in through the back and grab an apron from the table then tie it around my waist.

Good. I finally made up my mind. I'm going to talk to Laurie and apologize for acting like a bitch. I suck in a deep breathe and step behind the counter next to Laurie. I know she noticed me but she's choosing not to look in my direction. I don't know if she's mad or if she feels sorry. She shouldn't be sorry, it's my fault.

She hasn't even made an effort to look my way. She just serves the few customers on her line and I open my register, and the people waited on her line for me to open up. I'm being a pussy right now. I'm just not good at apologizing.

I motion the people to come form a line in the front of me. I serve them and now I'm ready.

"Laurie," I sigh turning my head towards her. She looks at me with surprise written across her face. "I'm sorry."

She looks at me with a straight face.

"No. I'm sorry. You're my best friend of course I should tell you who I'm interested in. Like you told me as soon as you met Marshall." Her green eyes were shining a little.

I really missed those eyes...

"I get the fact that you don't want me to know about who you're dating." I say my fingers subconsciously tracing patterns on the counter.

"You can tell me anything. Just tell me when you're ready." I continue.

She stares at the register with her eyebrows furrowed. Her lip gets pulled in between her teeth as she thought hard about something.

I was just standing here watching her contemplate telling me something.

When her head turned so fast and almost gave her whiplash, I perked up.

She stares at me hard to see my reaction, "I slept with Jacie!"

My mouth fell open and my eyes widened as I stared at my insane best friend.

"What...the...fuck?" I mutter. There is a sound of the bell that alerts us when someone walks in and another customer comes up to my counter.

A shocked look is still plastered onto my face while took the customers order.

Laurie's gaze was burning a hole through my face the whole time.


"Jacie?" The name fell out of my mouth like puke.

She nods, "Jacie Welch."

"When did she come back in Detroit?" I ask.

"She told me she came back that day, and she wanted to party a little." Laurie shrugs.

"Why would you fuck her?" I ask snapping a little. "She's not even a flipping lesbian." I whisper yelled when the realization had hit me that we were arguing in front of everyone inside of Starbucks.

Thankfully, we weren't being loud, so there wasn't any attention on us.

"Tassy, I was a little out of it. Both of us were drinking a little. When I met up with her she just started being really nice..." She trailed off, eyes wandering, "I don't know okay!"

"She kissed me first that's all I could say." She crossed her arms childishly.

I roll my eyes at her behavior. "She's just a little hoe."

Jacie went to the same high school as us. She was Laurie's best friend before me of course. Until Jacie got a boyfriend and completely ignored her.

She was always walking around alone so a couple of my friends and I started to hang out with her. We became best friends since.

Anyway here's where things went wrong. Jacie and her boyfriend were always together and the entire school knew it. They also had problems in their relationship that everyone knew about.

She would come to school everyday in bruises. Black eyes, purple marks on her arms, red lines across her face. He was abusive and had a huge temper problem.

They got into a fight in the middle of the school's hallway, where he knocked her so hard in her face that her head banged against the wall and cracked her skull.

The students who witnessed it took her to the nurses office and told the principal. Her boyfriend was sent to Juvie and no one really knows what happened to him.

Jacie healed up and came back to school looking for her old bestie. Laurie didn't really want anything to do with her after she left her cold and bold.

Laurie did feel bad for her because of the incident, but the bitch came back to her after she was left with no one. She rejected her and Jacie was pissed that I was hanging out with her.

She started spreading rumors about how I had slept with her crazy ass boyfriend while they were dating and she confronted him in the halls that day of the incident and that's why he hit her.

Complete bullshit of course. I didn't even no the guys name, still to this day. Everyone started hating me and Laurie was the only person I had.

She was even there when I was contemplating suicide.

The rumors had died down a little when Jacie moved to Ohio.

But guess what? The bitch is back and fucking my best friend.

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