Chapters 10: Can I Help You Get Dressed?

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Sing: Rhyme or Reason By: Eminem

"I went to her house the day you left. I was just so pissed off that you left me and I felt a little guilty. Long story short," Laurie pauses and stares at me, "I really like her I guess it's because of the friendship we had."

I kept my gaze trained on the floor as we walked to her Honda Acord parked in the parking lot. We stepped inside and she drove off.

I kept silent. I had nothing to say really. Laurie's my friend not my daughter I do have to care for her but I don't have the right to tell her who she can or can not date. It's just the fact that she's dating the girl who nearly cost me take away my own life, and the girl who had completely and entirely ignored her as if she hadn't knew her, in the blink of an eye.

If Jacie could have did that to her back then, who says she cant do the same thing now. It isn't even what she did to me, it's what she could do to Laurie.

"I don't trust her." The words fell out of my mouth before I even thought about it.

I felt her gazing at me but I stayed quiet.

"I know. She's just-" She sighs and taps her hand on the wheel. "I don't think she's like that anymore..."

"She isn't even a lesbian," I bring up again, "In high school she just dated guys and had no interest in girls, so why now?"

"Let's just forget about it." Laurie sighs, she was getting pissed at me.

If she wants me to forget about, I will. I don't need us arguing again.

A grin slowly comes across her face, "so were you with Marshall yesterday?" She asks.

My eyebrows pull together. I don't know why she's smiling, but knowing her she probably thinks we did something sexual. Which we did do but it was just a little kisses here and there right?

"Yeah..." I drag. I want to hear her ask what she wants to know, not me automatically telling her. That's not how it goes anymore.

"What did you guys do?" She pulls up on the side of my apartment. She parks and we hop out of the car together.

I jog up the steps of my house and unlock my door.

I hear her mutter, 'this feels so wierd.'

"I know right. When I came in here that day it felt wierd too. I practically live at your house." I laugh.

She slams herself onto my couch and kicks her feet up.

"Oomph!" She groans when I jump on her laying my body all over her twig shaped self.

Her hands dig into my back when she pushes me off of her.

"Get your fat ass off of me." She groans again.

I got up and smack my ass.

"I know it's fat." I say while shaking it in her face.

She rolls her eyes at me and I sit down on the floor next to her. Her blonde hair was sprawled all around her and touching the ground. I run my hands through it and we just stay like that for a while.

"Marshall and I kissed." I say randomly.


I nod. "Yep."

"Was it good?" She asks.




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