Chapter 18: Smart Ass Mouth

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《 Song: Fight Music by: D12

Laurie and I stepped out of Starbucks with our manager Kaleb, and he locked up.

I met Marshall standing at the hood of Laurie's car and I laughed inside of my head at how serious he was about this.

As I was about to walk towards Marshall, Kaleb grabs my arm and pulls me into his chest.

"Stop it Kale." I mutter because I knew Marshall was staring, and I'm pretty sure he won't be too happy about this.

"Why?" He asks, his eyebrows furrowing.

"Because she said so, bitch!" Marshall yells, "why you touching my girl, dawg?"

Shit. I knew this would happen.

Kale glances at me and then Marshall, and he continues to do this at least three more times.

"So you can't date me, but you can date this piece of white trash?" Kaleb tries to push Marshall's buttons and boy did it work. It was as if a time bomb went off and he exploded.

"Yo, who the fuck you calling white trash?" He rushes up on Kaleb and grabs a handful of his tshirt.

At this point my heart is racing and I'm frozen in place.

"Back up man." Kaleb pushes Marshall, but it had no use, because Marshall had a strong grip on him.

"No you need to back up! When a girl tells you to leave her alone, you leave her the fuck alone!" Marshall screams and Laurie and I stood there in shock.

"Marshall let him go, it's cool." I say, my voice shaking as everyone watches me place my hand onto the one gripping Kaleb's shirt.

"This little girl thinks he can talk to me however he wants!" Marshall yells while turning his head to look at me. His face was beet red and I was starting to get scared.

"Who you callin' a little girl? You dont scare me dawg. Why would I be scared of the little wannabe white rapper?" He says taunting Marshall with a smirk.

Marshall shoves him and I thought that would be the end of it but when his fist connected with Kaleb's jaw causing Laurie to squeal like a little girl, that's when I knew shit got real.

"Stop!" I scream as an attempt to grab Marshall's attention, but that of course, doesn't do anything.

Kaleb wrestles Marshall to the ground and tries to pin him down, but Marshall grips Kaleb by his shirt again and slams him to the floor. He climbs on top of him and then starts loading punches onto his face. The only thing I could hear was Marshall sremaing curse words at him and what seems to be the sound of bones breaking.

"Oh my God! Stop it! Marshall!" I scream again until my eardrum was pulsing, and I rush in to stop it. I grab Marshall by the back of his shirt, with all my strength, his shirt starts to tear but he eventually budges and lands on his ass. So I grab both of his hands and push him until he falls on his side.

He completely ingnores me and keeps his eyes trained on Kaleb while he pushes himself off of the ground. I quickly step in front of him to block him from Kaleb, but Kaleb had already gotten up. He walks around me and socks Marshall in his cheek.

Before I could do anything Laurie yanks Kaleb and pushes him away from Marshall.

"Marshall, relax." I say as tears rolled down my face.

His wild blue eyes keeps glaring at Kaleb but when he hears a sob come from me his gaze shifted.

I cover my face with my hands and try to hold back my sobs but I couldn't help it when a few escaped my lips.

I didn't know that he was staring at me until I felt his cold hands on mine.

"Tassy, look at me." He says softly and I shake my head no. I don't want him to see me like this and I'm too scared to see the bruises on his face.

He sighs and pulls my hands off of my face and I don't try to fight back.

I look up at his face and winced. His jaw had a dark purple bruise that looked pretty painful and he had a scratch right above his left eyebrow.

Before I could examine him any further Kaleb opens up his smart ass mouth.

"You know what?" He starts and Marshall and I look at him. Laurie stood next to him holding his arm so that he doesn't try anything stupid.

A grin slowly takes over his lips and he utters the words, "Natasia. You're fired."

Laurie automatically gasps, "what? You can't do that!"

He glares at her, "Of course I can. I'm the manager. It's what I do."

At this point I don't give a single flying fuck to be honest.

Laurie looks at me frantically expecting me to say something. I just keep a straight face.

"It's okay Laurie. I really don't give a fuck." I growl and grab Marshall's hand, "Let's go home."

Laurie let's go of Kaleb's hand and marches off to her car and unlocks it for us.

We get in the car and I roll the window down so that I could flip him off and yell a big and loud, "Fuck you!"

"I can't believe he fucking did that!" Laurie hits her steering wheel and I almost laughed at how pissed she is.

"Who gives a shit? I can get another job." I brush it off and look out the window. The hard part is how I'm going to explain this to my mom.

"Do you know how hard it is to get another job around here? It isn't that easy Tassy." She reminds me.

"I know, but I can do it." I say to her and myself.

I look over at Marshall to see him staring at his hands.

"You okay?" I ask him.

"Yeah. I'm so sorry. If I hadn't gotten so mad you would have still had your job." He says guiltily and rubs the back of his neck.

"It's okay. You stood up for me and that's dope as hell." I smile at him. The fact that he only wanted to protect me made me feel some type of way. At least I know that he really cares about me.

"Hey. You know-" he starts but cuts his self off. "you know I love you, right?" He looks at me and waits for my response.

He loves me?

Marshall loves me?

Marshall Mathers, loves me?

Did I hear that right, or did my mind just make that up?

"You love me?" I look at him with wide eyes.

"Yeah. You don't have to say it back, if you don't want to. I'm just letting you know how I feel." He goes back to staring at his hands.

I watch him intently and I notice out the corner of my eye that Laurie was staring at us through the front view mirror.

I've never felt this way about any guy. There's just something about him that makes me feel all giddy inside like when I had a crush in middle school. I know it's only been about 2 months but I know how I feel about him.

"I love you, too." I rush out. I say it so quickly that I scared myself.

"Now, Tassy don't say something you don't mean." He looks at me to see if I'm joking.

"Marshall, I fucking love you." I repeat myself more aggressively this time.

He smiles at me and we all laugh.

I'm in love with Marshall Mathers and there's nothing I can do to change it.

A/N.... Cringe 😂

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