Chapter 11: Maturing

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Song: Kim by: Eminem

My hair was in waves from this morning and I was wearing a white V neck T shirt and some light ripped jeans with my black converse.

"Have I told you how you always look good in anything you wear." He tried to charm me with a cheeky smile.

"You did just now." I mumble pressing myself closer to him. We're on my bed and I'm seated on his lap.

My tongue glides across my lips while staring at his. The way they were small and curved in the right places drives me insane.

"Can I kiss you?" He surprises me by saying.

I nod. Not even a second goes by and he's already assaulting my lips. His breathing increases a lot. Hands were traveling and I was completely hot and bothered.

Do I want to have sex with him? I mean we barely know each other.

I slip my hand up his shirt to feel his soft skin. I push him back onto the bed and straddle him, our lips still attached.

I was slowly grinding my hips onto his and he moans softly. As I pull away from him he places both hands on my hips.

I had stopped moving but he must have missed the feeling because he presses me onto him harder and he rocks my hips. His lips stayed in an o form the entire time.

Seeing Marshall like this is hot. His face was beat red and he was a moaning mess. Don't get me wrong I was moaning too but I decided to contain mine just to hear his.

I duck my head down and began sucking and nibbling on his neck. I feel my pants being unbuttoned and I stop to stare at him.

His bright blue eyes were now dark.

"If you don't want to, you don't have too. I don't want you feeling pressured." I don't even know him! I could contain myself, probably. This white boy has really done something to me.

I don't want this to be like highschool, when you fuck anything in sight. I've matured. Hopefully.

"I don't think I'm ready." I say and rest my hands on his chest.

"Okay." I slide off of him and button my pants.

What were we going to do again?

The bulge in his pants was evident and he sighed in frustration.

"I gotta fix this." He was clearly talking about his situation.

"Okay." The stupid smile on my face never left. I leave the room so that he can finish what I started.

He came out of the room and entered the bathroom to wash up. Then meets me in the living room.

"You ready?" He asks while smoothing his hair down.

"Yeah." To the hip hop shop!


Inside of the store was like any other CD store, but a lot of people hang out in here. I was staring at a Nas CD, pondering on if I should buy it or not. It's his album Illmatic.

Marshall was talking to Kuniva, we met him here when we came. They were standing near the door.
"Marshall should I get this CD?" I ask him.

"Yeah you should. This album is iconic. You never really told me that you-" He was cut off by the ding of the bell signaling that someone was entering the store.

A woman with blonde hair walks in. Her eyes were frantically looking around as if she was looking for someone. Our eyes lock for a few seconds but then her's drifted to Marshall.

The way her mouth pulled into a tight line showed me that she knew him.

"Marshall!" She calls out to him, marching in our direction.

"Oh shit!" Kuniva says. I have no idea who she is but she looks pissed at Marshall. Her hands touch Marshall's arm and he flinches.

He doesn't even glance at her but his eyes are trained onto me with a look that says I'm sorry.

Now I'm fucking mad. I have to know who the hell this bitch is.

"I have something to tell you, but first of all this is all your fault!"

I wrap my arms around Marshall possessively. Everyone's eyes then burn onto me.

"Is this her? I can't believe you would cheat on me with this skank!"

She did not just say that! God please tell me I'm hallucinating, because if I'm not I will drag this bitch and Marshall at the same time.

Marshall cheated on her with me?

"Excuse me? You don't even fucking know me and I don't know who the hell you are, I hope you two aren't afraid to tell me." I step into her face.

Kuniva pulls me back and holds me down causing me to get even more angry. "Let me fucking go!"

"I will if you chill." He says holding my arms captive behind my back.

"Someone needs to explain what the fuck is going on!" I scream. This is bullshit.

"I'm fucking pregnant that's what!" The woman yells at Marshall.

"What?" Marshall says.

"What? Marshall explain what the hell is going on." Whispers were going around the store and the man seated behind the register tells us to leave.

"Listen, Tassy I will, just not in here okay? Let's just get out of here." Kuniva let's my arms go and we follow Marshall outside.

"This is Kim a'ight? We were dating before I met you. I didn't cheat on her, she dumped me." He didn't look at me when he said that.

"What's this about her being pregnant?" My voice got louder.

"I have no idea! How the fuck are you pregnant, Kim?" He got real close to her and I wanted to rip him back, and away from her.

"Really, Marshall? Don't act stupid that's what happens when you have sex without a condom." She states glaring at him.

"I've been looking all over for you after I took the test. But I hadn't seen you since I went to your house two days ago." Kim says aggravated at Marshall.

"That was you?!" I yell. I knew something was up that day. He actually had her in the house and locked me in his bedroom. I can't believe this!

My eyes start to water. I feel like an idiot. How could I not have seen this coming?

"It isn't what it looks like." Marshall yells at me, "I'll explain."

"I'm fucking letting you but you're not doing it accurately!" The words just came out in sobs.

"Just leave me the fuck alone! I don't ever want to see you again!" I walk away wiping the tears that I couldn't hold back.

"Tassy!" His hands grab mine and I shove my elbow into his rib cage.

"I told you to leave me alone!" I yell and began jogging away.

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