Traitorous Deceit

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With four as slowly fading memories, the fact that the last survivors of his bonds remained lost completely fatigued him. He was so weary. Weary of the guilt. Weary of the sadness. Weary of the loneliness. But most of all, weary of the emptiness. Without the love and without the comfort, every little thought sucked more and more out of him until he could foretell the day he'd simply walk the lands aimlessly. How death could be so unfair, he wondered just what he had done to earn such a punishment. Something came to mind, but he couldn't think about it. He couldn't tear open that wound. Too many and he'd bleed out. Elvinia was enough let alone the murder of his past.

He was snatched from his thoughts and up on his feet in a defensive stupor at the startling noise. It had come from his kitchen window, making him blink in confusion as the creature climbed through the open pane. Wiping his face hastily, he made sure his mask remained intact as his eyes glared angrily. All prior anguish was gone as if it had never taken place.

"Thought so. I remained confused on why you smelled so much like her. That's her satchel, isn't it?" Thiavar eyed Kakashi suspiciously, pointing to the accouterment lying on his dinner table. The man stood tall, glancing back at the bag warily. It sat innocently, circled by the light coming from his window. Not answering, Kakashi watched the satyr circle him in suspicion.


"I had my doubts, but I fear as though you humans have set her up. Stealing her satchel so she can't heal herself? Seems intentional to me." The creature folded his arms, his normally bright eyes darkening almost intimidatingly. Kakashi sighed wearily, searching for the right words to quell such a fiery creature. Maybe the kingdom of fire raised heated individuals. He could see the possibility, but it only made his heart ache at the thought of Elvinia's fire extinguishing.

"Of course not. I hadn't intended on keeping it from her, but there was no way I could have known she'd needed it." Kakashi, feeling more and more despondent by the minute, fell to his chair, rubbing his forehead tiredly. Thiavar's words had only caused him even more despair. The creature had added salt to the wound, making sure it left a good scar. It was indeed Kakashi's fault.

It was then Thiavar's expression fell, and his eyes became calculating as he took in the dreary human. He had seen it before- utter capitulation. It was a common trait in Elvinia. Over the years, she had lost a bit of her fire, and when she'd had enough and could take no more, she'd throw her hands up and leave it to fate. Aimless. Without ambition she was. It took strongly painted and woven words to pull her out of that rut, but the fire would always blaze anew, however weaker. This man displayed those characteristics, but he was far from snuffed out.

"Vah cuvweh fum hew, din'd vah?" (You care for her, don't you?) The creature pushed off the wall he had been leaning on, walking around to sit across from the Jonin. Every clomp of his hooves could be heard in the silence. Kakashi didn't answer, but the look on his face spoke a thousand words. Not only had he understood Thiavar's words, but he also couldn't- more like wouldn't- deny the fact. What uncaring individual would tear himself up this much over someone else? It was obvious, but he also wouldn't admit it. How could he? He'd failed in protecting her. In protecting all of them. He sighed, scratching the back of his head in apprehension of the awkward conversation that was soon to transpire.

"You know you can send her that satchel, right?" Thiavar's eyes gleamed as he opened up the conversation, smiling in hope. Kakashi peered at the satyr, forming just the right response.

"How'd you-"

"Know? You smell just like her- well- her magic to be exact. She's used the Translation Technique on you, hasn't she?" And there it was- the question of Kakashi's discontent. He shifted nervously, remembering the tingle her lips had left. "Or is it something more?" Thiavar raised his brow in utter shock, his voice hesitant. Having watched the Jonin's reaction, the satyr could gauge just how sensitive the topic was. Elvinia was indeed ignorant of what intimacy lied in that technique, but he knew she'd catch on sooner or later. Besides, the Jonin held exuberant amounts of traces of her magic. One interaction was enough to learn the language, and she could easily withhold her stores of magic. So how many times had she come in contact with this male? And a human, too.

"N-no!" He stuttered.

"You hesitated." Thiavar cut in blandly, rolling his eyes in disappointment. He knew Elvinia. She hated humans, but she'd never known love. And Thiavar could smell the traces of it- quite literally. Kakashi paled.

"T-that doesn't matter. The point is, I know I can send it to her." He quickly circumvented the topic, clearing his throat and subconsciously fiddling with the satchel. A hint of red slowly faded from his cheeks as he averted his gaze, the melancholy returning to his visage once more.

"So why didn't you?" Thiavar snapped heatedly, his accusatory tone returning.

"I feared I'd send it at the wrong time, subsequently harming her rather than helping." The Jonin sighed frustratedly, running a hand through his hair and leaning back in his chair. Thiavar closed his eyes and shook his head, chuckling slightly.

"I must say I'm astounded by the fact that you were even able to utilize her magic. You must be intelligent for a human. I'll give you that. However, the satchel will not appear on its own. She will have to manifest it herself." Thiavar alleviated the Jonin's worries, and Kakashi couldn't help the smile that spread across his face. There was hope. Hope that he could help. Hope that he could rewrite his mistake. Such a light hadn't existed in his past tragedies.

Taking a piece of paper and pen, he proceeded to write a note of sorts, scribbling characters rather hurriedly. Holding it out, he read over it before folding it and stashing it into the folds of the satchel. Grabbing the sash, he closed his eyes and concentrated fervently. It indeed took strenuous thought. It was a foreign presence, but he could tell the difference right away. After the. . . transaction that had occurred that day, he had immediately played with the foreign energy, subsequently discovering Elvinia's magic that dwelled within him. And the best part- she hadn't meant to give it to him.

It disappeared in that ethereal light, and he sucked in a breath as the tingles left his fingers. Thiavar smiled fondly, crossing his furry legs and staring intently at Kakashi.

"You know, you remind me a lot of her- bottling up your emotions and carrying the cross of your mistakes. I'd tell you not to, but I feel you must realize that yourself. Elvinia chose you for a reason, if not by fate." His hauntingly blue eyes seemed to dull as he reminisced, the Jonin creasing his brows at the ambiguous meaning of the satyr's words.

"What?" He let the question slip unintentionally. He now couldn't deny the fact that he was interested. That alone was embarrassing.

"Back when we were kids, she was pure and innocent, happy and caring. Her smile brightened any situation. Free like the wind." He set his eyes on the Jonin, a warmth in the azure pools. However, those pools suddenly darkened, and rage boiled from the depths. "Her father lost his way all of a sudden, around the first century of her life. Her mother died, and she became a monster. Like I said, she had been controlled. Vipirus stayed in the shadows, but anyone could see him pulling the strings. It was when he talked her father into an arranged marriage that she broke, immediately disappearing. If Vipirus married her, he'd have the throne. There was no way she'd allow that, and I condone her actions." Thiavar spat, shifting his weight. Kakashi stared absentmindedly, taking it all in. It was Elvinia's life in a nutshell, all two hundred years of it.

"And her crimes?" Kakashi needed to know. He needed to know the meaning behind her words- the meaning behind her suicidal tendency. She had wanted to die, and the thought haunted him. He had simply watched his father deteriorate. He would no longer be a spectator. Violation of privacy or not, he was going to know. Thiavar sighed, his anger melting and his cheeks reddening. It was then the hot, steamy tears fell.

"She was so sweet, so undeserving of the nightmare that enraptured her," shaking his head, he bore no shame to the waterfall that cascaded down his strained face. "You must understand!" He bellowed, catching Kakashi's shocked face with puffy, soaked eyes. "Under the control of someone else, she killed thousands. Even her own people! I don't know if she remembers much, but I know she feels the anguish! It haunts her in her dreams!" He banged his hands on the table, startling the Jonin. Lowering his head, he mumbled, "even her siblings."

Kakashi paled. She had been forced to kill her siblings? No wonder she was so traumatized. No wonder she'd prefer to die in most cases. She was tortured, brought to the precipice of insanity. Had he really done her a disservice by refusing to end her life?

"The names. What are the names?" Already knowing the answer, he refused to meet the gaze of the satyr as the creature rose his head. He had stopped crying, and his face remained impassive.

"Rexus, Melphina, and Lavinia."

Dragon Shinobi [NARUTO] [KAKASHIxOC]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant