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SabrinaFoster: hey.... I heard what happened... I'm so sorry
SabrinaFoster: you don't deserve this much heart ache
SabrinaFoster: I know you're there. You're reading my messages.
ZackAdams: just last week we were having fun in Paris.
ZackAdams: but now she left me
ZackAdams: she's gone
ZackAdams: she packed up her shit and left me.
SabrinaFoster: I'm so sorry
ZackAdams: and it's all because of you!
SabrinaFoster: excuse me what?
ZackAdams: she said that because her best friend was in love with me, she couldn't do this to her.
SabrinaFoster: I didn't mean to...
ZackAdams: she said that she knows there was something between us
SabrinaFoster: I'm sorry
ZackAdams: she said that we can still be friends but as she said that she was deleting my number.
SabrinaFoster: Zack please...
ZackAdams: I hate everything. I can't do this anymore. I can't. I hate this feeling I hate is so much. I want to die.
SabrinaFoster:I'm coming over right now.
ZackAdams: please don't.
SabrinaFoster: you need a friend.
Message read

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