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"I have to face the fact that Sabrina doesn't want to be in my life anymore and that she doesn't want me in hers.
She was honestly too much to deal with from the start.

But I mean she was worth it.

I got loyal friends who care. Who'll never leave my side.
I got a great girlfriend who I love dearly.
So to Debby, thanks for being this really cool girl, who isn't afraid of risks. Thanks for showing me how to enjoy life. You taught me life's too short to stay inside all the time.
To Benny, you're shy, cute, funny, and a great friend. You somehow understood everything I went though.
To Nathan and Gretchen. Thanks for being the chill ones, the party animals, the ones who pushed me out of my comfort zone with people.

And to Aphrodite. Thank you most of all. For being the best girlfriend ever, for making me happy, for loving me, for helping me, for saving me, for putting up with this crap. I love you.

And I'm sorry to say this, but good bye.

                       Zack Adams"


See ya in the next chapter!!
-Trashy Ashie

Fading AwayDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora