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Not many questions were asked... but then again not many readers... so it's totally chill.

Me: welcome to the Q&A. I'm Ash, the author, and I will be answering the questions. First one is Sabrina. @mardonado asks,"Why did you change so much?"

Sabrina: I really did care about Zack, but jealousy and sadness blinded me, and I lost myself.

Me: wow.

Sabrina: I'm truly sorry for the pain ive caused him.

Me: well that... that was sweet. But we need to move on. @mardonado says," it's not a question, but you're great and I wish you well!" That's to Zack.

Zack: aw thanks

Me: Also from @mardonado ,"Now question, why were oh so attached to Sabrina?"

Zack: the minute I became an adult things changed and my friendships from high school weren't as strong. Sabrina was my first best friend as an adult. She understood me too.

Me: aw. Okay from @-moriartti to Aphrodite and Zack,"what's the baby's gender? I'm really curious"

Aphrodite: were having a baby boy!

Me: and that's all for the questions, but if there's anymore, just ask and they'll answer in the comments!!

Fading AwayOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora